[apple-iphone] Digest Number 2245

Monday, October 18, 2010 5:38 PM By Livemail

Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)

Charging via computer From: Jeffrey Kaplan
Re: New iPhone From: Pabitra
Re: New iPhone From: bj
Introduction and a problem From: Pam
Re: Introduction and a problem From: Prokic Roger
Re: Introduction and a problem From: Pam
Re: Introduction and a problem From: Donald
Re: Introduction and a problem From: Bill Boulware
Re: Pocket weather From: Jeffrey Kaplan
Re: Pocket weather From: Tara Payne
Re: Pocket weather From: bj
Re: 3G Data with Non iPhone Plan From: Jeffrey Kaplan
Help re migrating to a new computer From: AnneL
Question about iTunes From: Craig
Can't delete From: Tony
Re: Article: British jeweler sells $8 million iPhone - CNN.com From: Billy D Strayhorn
Re: Ipad Options From: Shellie Turcanik
Re: Ipad Options From: EC
Re: Ipad Options From: Jeffrey Kaplan
The Metalist: Replacement Back Cover For iPhone 4 Is No Pain In The From: Bill Boulware
Highlighting? From: RobinM
Re: Highlighting? From: twenty pearls
Re: Highlighting? From: jparkerg@yahoo.com
Otterbox for 10.00 From: Calle's Yahoo
Battery App From: inez



Charging via computer

Posted by: "Jeffrey Kaplan" yahoo@gordol.org   gordoljk

Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:16 am (PDT)

Every so often, I'll notice that while my iTouch is plugged into my
computer, iTunes will loose the charging indicator or even the entire
device from the list. When this happens, the Touch shows the plug
icon in the battery indicator, telling me that it's fully charged.

This just happened and I checked with MemoryInfo, which also shows me
the battery info, and it says that my battery is only at 88% and is
discharging. Despite the fact that it's plugged into a USB2 port
directly on the computer.

Why does it do this?

Before anyone suggests it, I just now rebooted the device.

Jeffrey Kaplan www.gordol.org
Double ROT13 encoded for your protection


Re: New iPhone

Posted by: "Pabitra" pksaha000@yahoo.co.uk   pksaha000

Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:17 am (PDT)

That is right. Every iPhone needs to be
activated or registered. The question was
why? Does it not assume that every iPhone
buyer has access to both a computer as
well as Internet? How can it be 100% correct?

On Oct 18, 2010, at 3:22 AM, Bill Boulware <bill.boulware@gmail.com> wrote:

You still have to use iTunes to activate it even if it is carrier unlocked
or bought from Apple or via web site - every apple product does, even the
WiFi iPad has to be activated in iTunes just the way Apple requires
registration of the devices...

On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 15:41, Prokic Roger <rprokic@me.com> wrote:

> If you buy from a carrier the answer is yes to both.
> But not if you buy without contract.
> ---
> Roger Prokic
> -=[ this message was sent from my Apple iPhone 4 ]=-
> On Oct 17, 2010, at 12:54 PM, Pabitra <pksaha000@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> > When you get a new iPhone4, do you have
> > to always
> > 1. Put in a SIM, even if you want to use only
> > Wi-fi
> > 2. Register in itunes even if you do not
> > intend using Appstore.
> > If yes then why?
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: New iPhone

Posted by: "bj" bjones44@verizon.net   jblair44

Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:55 am (PDT)

My iPhone was activated right in the ATT store where I bought it. I could
use it just fine -- though w/o any of *my* content on it -- before I even
got home to sync it up w/ iTunes. Maybe that's why, as a new customer, I had
to pick the phone up at the ATT store rather than have it shipped to me at
home -- so they could activate it & set up my account. BTW I chose to get it
at ATT rather than Apple store because Apple didn't know anything about
Senior Voice Plans. Worth the $5/mo saving to make the extra stop to order
the phone (it was order-servers meltdown-day & I barely got my order in at
the store!) plus I could *walk* to the ATT store to get it.

If I hadn't had a computer or internet, I suppose I could have gone on w/o
anything new on the phone other than what I d/l using data-plan or a public
hot-spot; wouldn't have had any backup, of course, but the device would be
usable that way. Not sure about e-mail -- I use a regular email address I
already had, but does ATT/iPhone plan come with an email address too, if you
set it up? Perhaps if I hadn't already given them an email contact in the
ordering process they would have given me an ATT email. I keep meaning to
ask them about that! ATT did send me text messages (free -- I don't have a
texting plan).

From: "Pabitra" <pksaha000@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 12:27 AM
To: <apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [apple-iphone] New iPhone

> That is right. Every iPhone needs to be
> activated or registered. The question was
> why? Does it not assume that every iPhone
> buyer has access to both a computer as
> well as Internet? How can it be 100% correct?
> On Oct 18, 2010, at 3:22 AM, Bill Boulware <bill.boulware@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> You still have to use iTunes to activate it even if it is carrier unlocked
> or bought from Apple or via web site - every apple product does, even the
> WiFi iPad has to be activated in iTunes just the way Apple requires
> registration of the devices...


Introduction and a problem

Posted by: "Pam" maltesemom1@aol.com   pamnangel

Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:17 am (PDT)

Hi, my name is Pam and I fell in love with the iPhone from the moment I saw the first ad. Although there have been minor issues, my iPhone has been my lifeline. I'm a professional petsitter and it has made running my business so much easier.

Today I sat my iPhone on a shelf of my computer desk while I took care of some things. When I finished and picked it back up, I noticed it felt oily on the bottom. Further investigation found a bottle of incense solvent (a oil used to cut fragrance oils) had been left on the next shelf up and had developed a leak...right onto the phone below. I've had it laying so it could drain, but the screen is now very difficult to read. I don't know how, if at all, this will affect the iPhone other than making it hard to see what's on the screen. I synced right away to make sure everything is backed up off it just in case. It doesn't seem to be draining any more, but I'm afraid it's totally ruined. You can see air bubbles under the glass. I'm so not happy with myself.


Re: Introduction and a problem

Posted by: "Prokic Roger" rprokic@me.com   rprokic

Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:46 am (PDT)

This will be likely impossible to clear up because it is an oil substance. It's doubtful that Apple will replace it.

Your best bet is to buy a new iPhone.


Roger Prokic

-=[ this message was sent from my Apple iPhone 4 ]=-

On Oct 18, 2010, at 4:45 AM, Pam <maltesemom1@aol.com> wrote:

> Hi, my name is Pam and I fell in love with the iPhone from the moment I saw the first ad. Although there have been minor issues, my iPhone has been my lifeline. I'm a professional petsitter and it has made running my business so much easier.
> Today I sat my iPhone on a shelf of my computer desk while I took care of some things. When I finished and picked it back up, I noticed it felt oily on the bottom. Further investigation found a bottle of incense solvent (a oil used to cut fragrance oils) had been left on the next shelf up and had developed a leak...right onto the phone below. I've had it laying so it could drain, but the screen is now very difficult to read. I don't know how, if at all, this will affect the iPhone other than making it hard to see what's on the screen. I synced right away to make sure everything is backed up off it just in case. It doesn't seem to be draining any more, but I'm afraid it's totally ruined. You can see air bubbles under the glass. I'm so not happy with myself.
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: Introduction and a problem

Posted by: "Pam" maltesemom1@aol.com   pamnangel

Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:17 pm (PDT)

The visibility is getting worse. I can't afford to buy a new phone right now. I'm thinking I'll go back to my old iPhone until I can afford to get a new one. Luckily I still have every cell phone I've ever owned. Someday I will mount them in a shadow box.

I just put the SIM card back in the old one, right?


--- In apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com, Prokic Roger <rprokic@...> wrote:
> This will be likely impossible to clear up because it is an oil substance. It's doubtful that Apple will replace it.
> Your best bet is to buy a new iPhone.
> Roger


Re: Introduction and a problem

Posted by: "Donald" xlnt74@sbcglobal.net   xlnt74@sbcglobal.net

Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:40 pm (PDT)

--- In apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com, "Pam" <maltesemom1@...> wrote:
> The visibility is getting worse. I can't afford to buy a new phone right now. I'm thinking I'll go back to my old iPhone until I can afford to get a new one. Luckily I still have every cell phone I've ever owned. Someday I will mount them in a shadow box.

It's my understanding you can exchange a "bad" iPhone for a "good" iPhone of the same version for just $100.00. My son exchanged an iPhone 4 with broken glass for just $100.00 at the local Apple store.

> I just put the SIM card back in the old one, right?
If you have an iPhone 4 that SIM will not fit into an older iPhone.


Re: Introduction and a problem

Posted by: "Bill Boulware" bill.boulware@gmail.com   boulware0224

Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:55 pm (PDT)

They are going a few "extra miles" on iPhone 4 breaks than they have in the
past, at least that I have read and seen - a LOT of people have posted here
and other places that they walked in with broken glass (front or back) and
it was either repaired or replaced at no charge or for $100, typically it is
$199 for the front and on iPhone 4, I think the official price for the back
was $99 (front contains touch interface and glass).

On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 19:38, Donald <xlnt74@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> --- In apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com, "Pam" <maltesemom1@...> wrote:
> >
> > The visibility is getting worse. I can't afford to buy a new phone right
> now. I'm thinking I'll go back to my old iPhone until I can afford to get a
> new one. Luckily I still have every cell phone I've ever owned. Someday I
> will mount them in a shadow box.
> >
> It's my understanding you can exchange a "bad" iPhone for a "good" iPhone
> of the same version for just $100.00. My son exchanged an iPhone 4 with
> broken glass for just $100.00 at the local Apple store.
> > I just put the SIM card back in the old one, right?
> >
> If you have an iPhone 4 that SIM will not fit into an older iPhone.
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: Pocket weather

Posted by: "Jeffrey Kaplan" yahoo@gordol.org   gordoljk

Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:17 am (PDT)

Allan Aunkst wrote:

> Anyone use pocket weather that has the temp badge on the app icon?
> For some reason the temp is not accurate.
> Is there another app similar to this that has the temp as a badge?

Not familiar with that app in particular, but such things are only as
accurate as the data source they use, and the temp reading is highly
localization dependent.

For example, Berryweather tells me that it's 43 degrees outside, but
my outside thermometer tells me it's 45. Not much at the moment, but
at certain times of day there can be a 10 degree difference.

Berryweather uses Wunderground as their data source which uses a
network of NOAA and private weather reporting stations.

Jeffrey Kaplan www.gordol.org
Double ROT13 encoded for your protection


Re: Pocket weather

Posted by: "Tara Payne" hijump1@yahoo.com   tmayner

Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:46 am (PDT)

I've been using pocket weather for a few weeks now and have noticed it is always a few degrees different than the weather channel app. I like it because I can get a close temperature without opening the weather app.

From: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com [mailto:apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Jeffrey Kaplan
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 2010 10:08 PM
To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [apple-iphone] Pocket weather

Allan Aunkst wrote:

> Anyone use pocket weather that has the temp badge on the app icon?
> For some reason the temp is not accurate.
> Is there another app similar to this that has the temp as a badge?

Not familiar with that app in particular, but such things are only as
accurate as the data source they use, and the temp reading is highly
localization dependent.

For example, Berryweather tells me that it's 43 degrees outside, but
my outside thermometer tells me it's 45. Not much at the moment, but
at certain times of day there can be a 10 degree difference.

Berryweather uses Wunderground as their data source which uses a
network of NOAA and private weather reporting stations.

Jeffrey Kaplan www.gordol.org
Double ROT13 encoded for your protection


Yahoo! Groups Links


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Re: Pocket weather

Posted by: "bj" bjones44@verizon.net   jblair44

Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:54 am (PDT)

If it's always showing a current temp, then isn't it constantly "checking
in" with the weather station? Doesn't that use up both data-bytes and
battery power?

I just fire up the weatherbug app when I want the info, and I've got it set
with several stations so I can check what it's like where I'm going as well
as where I am.

From: "Tara Payne" <hijump1@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 8:30 AM
To: <apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: RE: [apple-iphone] Pocket weather

> I've been using pocket weather for a few weeks now and have noticed it is
> always a few degrees different than the weather channel app. I like it
> because I can get a close temperature without opening the weather app.


Re: 3G Data with Non iPhone Plan

Posted by: "Jeffrey Kaplan" yahoo@gordol.org   gordoljk

Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:17 am (PDT)

N.A. Nada wrote:

> Defeat the purpose of a SIM card, yes. Violate? Violate what? There is
> no law that is violated?

Violate the industry accepted standards for the technology. To be
clear, I'm asking if AT&T's actions here are such, not stating that
they are.

> Locking GSM hardware to a service provider, defeats the purpose of the
> SIM card, but it is done. But if you are going to get hardware at
> subsidized prices, then that is what you will get. What upsets me is
> that there is no option to purchase the hardware at unsubsidized retail
> and then get a discount on the service. Can you say greed?

That logic does make sense, because it's the service more than the
hardware that they are selling. They lock YOU in with the contract
and its early termination fee. The ETF is there when you buy
equipment at the subsidized rate, and gets prorated after a period of
time. The service companies sell the hardware at a loss and make it
up with the service rates.

Jeffrey Kaplan www.gordol.org
Double ROT13 encoded for your protection


Help re migrating to a new computer

Posted by: "AnneL" shadow484@comcast.net   alogston

Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:17 am (PDT)

I'm upgrading to a new computer and obviously I want to sync my iPhone with
the new computer. I've authorized it. I have Home Sharing enabled via a
home network and have managed to transfer all my music and apps via the Home
Sharing. I have not yet synced with iTunes on the new computer.

Here's where it gets complicated.

On my new computer, my playlists are there . . . but they're empty. There
are no songs listed in each playlist. It looks like I can manually import
each playlist via Home Sharing, but it also looks like when I do, it's
copying extra copies of the songs in that playlist into my main library as
well, so I have multiple listings for those songs. What am I doing wrong?

Here's the second question: What happens when I sync my iPhone? Will it
fix the playlists on my iTunes, or will it empty the playlists on my iPhone?
I'm fairly scared at this point, and Apple's help pages and information on
Home Sharing are horribly UNhelpful.

Thanks so much for any help anyone can offer.



Question about iTunes

Posted by: "Craig" CLiguori61@gmail.com   liguy0001

Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:18 am (PDT)

When I assign artwork to a movie or TV Show it sometimes changes on its own when I sync it to my iPhone. Any suggestions?


Can't delete

Posted by: "Tony" eldocvibra@yahoo.com   eldocvibra

Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:24 am (PDT)

When I opened an email. I can't deleted, only when is closed.
Any thought

Sent from my iPhone


Re: Article: British jeweler sells $8 million iPhone - CNN.com

Posted by: "Billy D Strayhorn" revbilly@epulpit.net   revbilly2

Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:39 am (PDT)

"Only two of these will ever be made, so don't worry: if you buy one, the
chances of bumping into someone who has the exact same phone at a party are
quite slim."

WRONG. If you can afford one of these, then the circle of people of like
mind and like taste would be rather small, so the chances of running into
the other person who shelled out for one of these things are probably pretty

Rev. Billy D. Strayhorn

First United Methodist Church

Glen Rose, Texas


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Re: Ipad Options

Posted by: "Shellie Turcanik" katydid2590@gmail.com   katydid2590

Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:22 am (PDT)

Thanks for everyone's input on this. I think I will get 3G on it whenever I
take the plunge. I think I will wait until the new model comes out in
January though. There are going to be a lot of places selling the iPad now
too, so the price of them might get a little more competitive I would think.
In the meantime, I will try to sell that 300.00 Kindle!


On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 6:47 PM, EC <e.canteen@yahoo.com> wrote:

> So glad I have the wifi+3G model, I'm in new York city and wireless access
> is by no means universal.
> Did you hear that Verizon's going to be selling the iPad in 2 weeks.

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Re: Ipad Options

Posted by: "EC" e.canteen@yahoo.com   e.canteen

Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:26 am (PDT)

Get it, you won't be disappointed.


Re: Ipad Options

Posted by: "Jeffrey Kaplan" yahoo@gordol.org   gordoljk

Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:17 pm (PDT)

Shellie Turcanik wrote:

> January though. There are going to be a lot of places selling the iPad now
> too, so the price of them might get a little more competitive I would think.

Don't count on a price war between stores.

Jeffrey Kaplan www.gordol.org
Double ROT13 encoded for your protection


The Metalist: Replacement Back Cover For iPhone 4 Is No Pain In The

Posted by: "Bill Boulware" bill.boulware@gmail.com   boulware0224

Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:17 am (PDT)


Sent to you by Bill Boulware via Google Reader: The Metalist:
Replacement Back Cover For iPhone 4 Is No Pain In The Glass via
iSmashPhone - Turn your Phone into your MyPhone by iSmashPhone.com on

Tired of worrying whether the glass back of your iPhone 4 will survive
the day? Leery of buying a full wraparound case because you read our
article on "GlassGate?"
Wish your i4 had the nice metal back of its predecessors? Wish no
longer: US$12.99 will get you this nice bevelled metal back case (in
your choice of black or silver), which you can install yourself in
minutes. Problem solved.

Note: we have never ordered anything from them, please share your

[Via Cellular National Network]

Things you can do from here:
- Subscribe to iSmashPhone - Turn your Phone into your MyPhone using
Google Reader
- Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your
favorite sites

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



Posted by: "RobinM" mccuerob@yahoo.com   mccuerob

Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:15 pm (PDT)

I was watching an iPhone ad and I noticed someone highlighting text in an email (I think). Do any of you have highlighting as an option when you select text? I have an iPhone 4.



Re: Highlighting?

Posted by: "twenty pearls" akaivyleaf@yahoo.com   akaivyleaf

Mon Oct 18, 2010 1:26 pm (PDT)

I know that you can highlight text in books that you read - either through the
iBook application or other applications which allow it. When you normally
select text, there is a choice for highlighting where you are able to do so.

You cannot highlight texts.

Sharon H.

From: RobinM <mccuerob@yahoo.com>
To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, October 18, 2010 4:03:13 PM
Subject: [apple-iphone] Highlighting?

I was watching an iPhone ad and I noticed someone highlighting text in an email
(I think). Do any of you have highlighting as an option when you select text? I
have an iPhone 4.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Highlighting?

Posted by: "jparkerg@yahoo.com" jparkerg@yahoo.com   jparkerg

Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:09 pm (PDT)

Perhaps it was "selecting" a block of text in the ad?

--- In apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com, twenty pearls <akaivyleaf@...> wrote:
> I know that you can highlight text in books that you read - either through the
> iBook application or other applications which allow it. When you normally
> select text, there is a choice for highlighting where you are able to do so.
> You cannot highlight texts.
> Sharon H.
> ________________________________
> From: RobinM <mccuerob@...>
> To: apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Mon, October 18, 2010 4:03:13 PM
> Subject: [apple-iphone] Highlighting?
> I was watching an iPhone ad and I noticed someone highlighting text in an email
> (I think). Do any of you have highlighting as an option when you select text? I
> have an iPhone 4.
> Thanks!
> Robin
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Otterbox for 10.00

Posted by: "Calle's Yahoo" calle_kitten@yahoo.com   calle_kitten

Mon Oct 18, 2010 4:25 pm (PDT)

Hi all. I just wanted to give a heads up I purchased two otterbox impact cases from Amazon for around $11.00 each for my 3GS phones. One is black and the other is white. I thought these were good prices. Yes??

1 OtterBox Impact Case for i... $10.57 1 $10.57

1 OtterBox Impact Case for i... $11.08 1 $11.08


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Battery App

Posted by: "inez" inez_trrs@yahoo.com   inez_trrs

Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:38 pm (PDT)

Hi there,

first , thank you all for letting me vent about my scratched screen. took it to Apple Store and they cleaned it up - was not scratched after all. I did put an anti-glare screen protector on it though. i had one on my old iPhone and it really helped protect it from scratches and also I use reading glasses and it helps with the glare.

Secondly, is there a battery app. for the iPhone 4?

Thirdly, the back of my iPhone 4 gets hot. Anyone experience this? I have only experience it once. I did experience it with my 1st gen. but only after my daughter played games for a long time.



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