[apple-iphone] Digest Number 2238

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 4:17 AM By Livemail

Messages In This Digest (9 Messages)



Re: MobileMe -- free trial to paid subscription -- timing question

Posted by: "N.A. Nada" whodo678@comcast.net

Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:19 am (PDT)


I think that was me that said they did a renewal of an existing paid account very early.

Turn off the auto renewal on the account, and they can not start early. Then find it elsewhere at a better price. Check OutletDeal.com and Amazon.

They can't make you "do it sooner". _I believe_ that even if you purchase it from Apple or elsewhere a few days late, you will still find whatever info you have on the account still there.

the other Brent

On Oct 12, 2010, at 8:20 AM, jparkerg@yahoo.com wrote:

> I recently signed on for a MM free trial. I like it and will convert it to a paid family plan soon. After a bit of searching I finally found the buttons/links on the Apple/MM site to convert.
> BUT, I'd like to use as much of the freebie as I can before converting over to the paid subscription. I recall reading on this group about someone who had his free trial automatically converted by Apple quite a bit ahead of the conclusion of the freebie.
> I don't need to milk it out to the final day(s) of he 60 free trial, but I wouldn't mind saving a month or so on the other end of the subscription.
> Do I just wait until the last week or so to do the conversion?
> Or will they do it for me sooner than I'd like?


Re: MobileMe -- free trial to paid subscription -- timing question

Posted by: "N.A. Nada" whodo678@comcast.net

Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:19 am (PDT)

Automatic renewal is the default, and I believe the default with a trial account. Turn it off. It should be in the account settings.

You have to have a valid, active credit card on file to use the account, but you do not need auto renewal on.

Then go find a cheaper price for a membership elsewhere.

the other Brent

On Oct 12, 2010, at 8:49 AM, Dawn wrote:

> For me, I believe they just sent email reminders and I did the upgrade when I wanted. You can set it to update automatically or not. Can't remember exactly where that is, because I don't use the web interface.
> ~Dawn
>  sent from my iMac 
> On Oct 12, 2010, at 8:20 AM, jparkerg@yahoo.com wrote:
>> I recently signed on for a MM free trial. I like it and will convert it to a paid family plan soon. After a bit of searching I finally found the buttons/links on the Apple/MM site to convert.
>> BUT, I'd like to use as much of the freebie as I can before converting over to the paid subscription. I recall reading on this group about someone who had his free trial automatically converted by Apple quite a bit ahead of the conclusion of the freebie.
>> I don't need to milk it out to the final day(s) of he 60 free trial, but I wouldn't mind saving a month or so on the other end of the subscription.
>> Do I just wait until the last week or so to do the conversion?
>> Or will they do it for me sooner than I'd like?
>> Just wondering....
>> TIA
>> John
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on a 3G, any way to change the calendar sound?

Posted by: "Nancy Ganner" nansplayhouse@yahoo.com   nansplayhouse

Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:19 am (PDT)

It seems there is no other sound option for calendar alarms -- can it be done with a 3rd party app? Thanks-


Re: Aftermarket iPod adapter plug (my iPhone's iPod) ...unsightly?

Posted by: "N.A. Nada" whodo678@comcast.net

Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:19 am (PDT)

Go to pac-audio.com and check out their product. It plugs into the vehicle wiring behind your radio. It gives you the option to charge the iPhone/iPod and play the audio through the radio. The only part you see is the 30-pin cable, the rest you bury behind the dash.

I'm sure they can tell you if it will work or cause a problem with the anti-theft feature of your car and radio.

I'm not RF engineer, but the aftermarket FM adapters I have tried have been crap, since I live in a FM crowded area.


On Oct 12, 2010, at 9:30 AM, Bruce Carter wrote:

> > And I am shocked Pioneer is better than Kenwood in receiver technology. I always bought Pioneer all my life because I could not afford Kenwood. Though the word was Kenwood was a better stereo.
> One aspect of aftermarket radios is how integrated stock radios are to the rest of the car. My wife refuses to let me near the radio in her car - if I replace it with aftermarket, the steering wheel controls and rear seat DVD players won't work any more. So she is stuck with no auxiliary input, and no iPod / iPhone dock. That leaves car chargers and FM modulators the only options.
> When Pioneer says "Supertuner", they darn well mean it. I've done up to 300 mile FM reception reliably, although signals that far away are subject to fading and all kinds of problems. "Better" is subjective, there are dozens of specs to compare. When you are out in the middle of nowhere, reception specs are all that matter. You don't want to fool around with "good", you need best. I am an RF engineer, I've been inside these radios, Pioneer does the job right, nobody else is even close. Anybody on Yahoo's 5000 member "fmtuners" group will tell you the same.
> Pioneer actually helps if you are using an FM modulator - the new adaptive IF design they use erases adjacent channel interference, leaving more frequencies usable by your modulator.


Re: Aftermarket iPod adapter plug (my iPhone's iPod) ...unsightly?

Posted by: "Jeffrey Kaplan" yahoo@gordol.org   gordoljk

Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:20 am (PDT)

Inner jewel wrote:

> Instead of adding all kinds of adaptors, you could simply replace your
> car stereo completely with a new one that does all you need it to do. It
> took me a long to reach this very simple conclusion and I spent
> countless $$ on various adaptors, fm transmitters etc. I just bought a

Not all car stereos are replaceable that way. For example, on my 03
Mazda, the stereo is integrated into the center console to the extent
that I cannot replace it with an aftermarket unit without cutting holes.

Jeffrey Kaplan www.gordol.org
Double ROT13 encoded for your protection


No Keyboard

Posted by: "Robert" rdf_northolt@btinternet.com   rdf_northolt

Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:20 am (PDT)

I have an iPhone 4 running IOS 4.1 and not jailbroken.

My keyboard does not appear when I try to write a text message, enter an email, enter password for the istore. To all intents and purposes, the keyboard does not appear at any time. I have done the hard and soft reset and still no keyboard appears.

Am I missing something?




Re: [apple-iphone] Apple Will Take A Pass On 4G Networks For The iPh

Posted by: "S Colds" bigstacediesel@yahoo.com   bigstacediesel

Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:20 am (PDT)

I've got a totally unrelated question my friend said that he was at the AT&T store & they've got the white iPhone he looked at it & everything eventually he got the black but please confirm or deny if u kno thanks

Sent from Bigstacediesel's iPhone 4

On Oct 12, 2010, at 0:19, Jeffrey Kaplan <yahoo@gordol.org> wrote:

> Bill Boulware wrote:
> > First things first — the iPhone CDMA model due in January won't support
> > LTE. But here's where it gets really interesting: sources tell me that
> > the iPhone refresh in mid-2011 won't support LTE either. Instead, Apple
> > will produce a dual mode iPhone containing 3G flavors of GSM and CDMA,
> > which operates on all carriers worldwide. If this holds true, Apple
> > won't support the LTE standard until some time in 2012.
> I've heard rumors that starting this January, Verizon is going to
> start dropping 3G handsets from their lineup in favor of 4G-capable
> units only, in order to push the transition to LTE.
> --
> Jeffrey Kaplan www.gordol.org
> Double ROT13 encoded for your protection

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Data Lost During Sync

Posted by: "Richard Raiff" richraiff@gmail.com   raiffrj

Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:20 am (PDT)

Go to the Splash Data Forums, if you have not done so already, and ask
there. They have always been helpful to me and I have been using SplashID for many years,

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 3:08 PM, Debbie L <debbie.l.0009@gmail.com> wrote:

> My employer has a 3G iPhone with the Splash ID application. Recently he
> tried to sync the phone through iTunes, apparently with no success, and
> then
> tried to sync the phone directly with Splash ID. In the process he lost all
> of the data he'd stored on the phone using Splash ID. Is there some way he
> can recover this data? Do we need to provide additional information to help
> someone provide an answer? He uses an Acer netbook with Windows 7 Home, if
> that helps. I'm not sure which version of iTunes he has, or which version
> of
> Splash ID.
> Thanks!
> Debbie L

Rich Raiff

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Just curious

Posted by: "Allen" allen.yoder@mac.com   ng5y

Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:20 am (PDT)

Did any of you get the "Handy Light" app that was avail in the itunes store around mid July?
(Not the Handy Light+ that is out now).

I am sorry I missed that one.


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