[apple-iphone] Digest Number 2288

Sunday, November 21, 2010 3:15 AM By Livemail

Messages In This Digest (12 Messages)

Re: Sony ebook on iPhone From: Adrie Verweijmeren
Re: Data usage From: bj
Re: Data usage From: Mushi
Re: Data usage From: sharonx9
Re: Data usage From: Mushicat
Re: Data usage From: bj
Re: circle at the top left From: Otto Nikolaus
Question about iOS 4.2 From: Robin
Re: Question about iOS 4.2 From: Bill Boulware
Re: Question about iOS 4.2 From: Walter Palmer
Re: I tunes card From: Noura al-kuwari
Podcasts From: Melody



Re: Sony ebook on iPhone

Posted by: "Adrie Verweijmeren" adrieverw@gmail.com   adrieverw

Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:22 am (PST)

i can confirm that Bluefire works. For PDF with DRM you can use TXTR. TXTR
can also read Epub with DRM.

Adrie Verweijmeren

2010/11/18 Moe <mtarkinow@tarkinow.com>

> Is there a way to download books bought from Sony and downloaded to the
> Sony eBook to the iPhone?
> Thanks

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Data usage

Posted by: "bj" bjones44@verizon.net   jblair44

Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:22 am (PST)

I've also wondered what the mystery-data-usage is -- often in the middle of
the night, when my phone is at home & on wi-fi & I'm asleep anyway! The
times that my usage is listed (in the online info it's listed by time &
date) is happening when I'm *not even using my phone*, it's not doing
anything but sitting on a table. I have *no* notifications set, *no* pushes,
*no* mail or info fetching.

Someday I may have to call & ask them what-gives on this.

Even though I'm not close to using my allowance, I *am* on a limited plan --
so why are they using up some of my bytes??

From: "RJMcW" <rjmcw@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 3:35 PM
To: <apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [apple-iphone] Data usage

> I just upgraded to iPhone 4, and I'm trying to keep an eye on my data
> usage.
> I checked it at 8:17 this morning (using the *3282# text message to AT&T)
> and my total so far this month was 317.7 MB. The phone basically sat
> unused on my desk all day, and when I checked *3282# again at 3:27 this
> afternoon, my total is now 328.8MB. In other words, it used 11 megs, just
> sitting on my desk doing nothing. No phone calls, no internet browsing, no
> GPS fixes. How come?
> I have push notifications turned off, data roaming off. 3G is turned on,
> but I didn't actually use the phone for anything.


Re: Data usage

Posted by: "Mushi" mushicat36@yahoo.com   mushicat36

Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:22 am (PST)

I wasn't addressing the issue of being more (or less) up-to-date, rather that the app doesn't use text.

Myself, I've opted out of text. The app works better for me.



Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 19, 2010, at 6:20 PM, "Piper" <pcdoc_99@yahoo.com> wrote:

> --- In apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com, Mushi <mushicat36@...> wrote:
>> Why not try the ATT mobile app? Doesn't use text.
>> sj
> The AT&T App is no more up to date than the text message, in fact I suspect it gets it's information from the same place.
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: Data usage

Posted by: "sharonx9" sharonx9@gmail.com   sharonx1972

Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:25 am (PST)

I thought that texts from AT&T were free. AT&T has told me several times
that the ones to check minutes, balance, etc. do not come out of your
monthly text allotment.

One thing I found when I was getting chunks of unexplained data was I had
some games that use OpenFeint. I had it turned on. When I turned it off,
most of my unexplained data stopped. You might have some games that are
updating or sending stats to the server. OpenFeint is on a lot of games
that I have but now I always click on "off". It is a scoreboard type

-=[ Sharon Jean ]=-

I've also wondered what the mystery-data-usage is -- often in the middle of
> the night, when my phone is at home & on wi-fi & I'm asleep anyway! The
> times that my usage is listed (in the online info it's listed by time &
> date) is happening when I'm *not even using my phone*, it's not doing
> anything but sitting on a table. I have *no* notifications set, *no*
> pushes,
> *no* mail or info fetching.
> ??
> > I checked it at 8:17 this morning (using the *3282# text message to AT&T)
> > and my total so far this month was 317.7 MB. The phone basically sat
> > unused on my desk all day, and when I checked *3282# again at 3:27 this
> > afternoon, my total is now 328.8MB. In other words, it used 11 megs, just
> > sitting on my desk doing nothing. No phone calls, no internet browsing,
> no
> > GPS fixes. How come?
> > I have push notifications turned off, data roaming off. 3G is turned on,
> > but I didn't actually use the phone for anything.
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Data usage

Posted by: "Mushicat" mushicat36@yahoo.com   mushicat36

Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:36 am (PST)

You're right about the AT&T texts!

I forgot.


Sent from my iPad

On Nov 20, 2010, at 10:34 AM, sharonx9 <sharonx9@gmail.com> wrote:

I thought that texts from AT&T were free. AT&T has told me several times
that the ones to check minutes, balance, etc. do not come out of your
monthly text allotment.

One thing I found when I was getting chunks of unexplained data was I had
some games that use OpenFeint. I had it turned on. When I turned it off,
most of my unexplained data stopped. You might have some games that are
updating or sending stats to the server. OpenFeint is on a lot of games
that I have but now I always click on "off". It is a scoreboard type

-=[ Sharon Jean ]=-

I've also wondered what the mystery-data-usage is -- often in the middle of
the night, when my phone is at home & on wi-fi & I'm asleep anyway! The
times that my usage is listed (in the online info it's listed by time &
date) is happening when I'm *not even using my phone*, it's not doing
anything but sitting on a table. I have *no* notifications set, *no*
*no* mail or info fetching.

I checked it at 8:17 this morning (using the *3282# text message to AT&T)
and my total so far this month was 317.7 MB. The phone basically sat
unused on my desk all day, and when I checked *3282# again at 3:27 this
afternoon, my total is now 328.8MB. In other words, it used 11 megs, just
sitting on my desk doing nothing. No phone calls, no internet browsing,
GPS fixes. How come?
I have push notifications turned off, data roaming off. 3G is turned on,
but I didn't actually use the phone for anything.


Re: Data usage

Posted by: "bj" bjones44@verizon.net   jblair44

Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:10 pm (PST)

From: "sharonx9" <sharonx9@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2010 11:34 AM
To: <apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [apple-iphone] Data usage

> I thought that texts from AT&T were free. AT&T has told me several times
> that the ones to check minutes, balance, etc. do not come out of your
> monthly text allotment.

They are free. I don't have a text allotment; I get charged for any texts I
do send or receive, but not for the ones I've gotten from ATT.

> One thing I found when I was getting chunks of unexplained data was I had
> some games that use OpenFeint. I had it turned on. When I turned it off,
> most of my unexplained data stopped. You might have some games that are
> updating or sending stats to the server. OpenFeint is on a lot of games
> that I have but now I always click on "off". It is a scoreboard type
> feature.

I turn off any such "features" as soon as I see them in the options, and I
usually go right to options with a new game so I can turn off the noise. :-)

I have used those games very little -- mostly just once or twice when first
d/l to see whether or not I like them.

Even if something like that has escaped me it doesn't explain why it's using
*data plan* rather than the wi-fi everything else uses when I'm home (unless
I'm actually using the phone as a <revolutionary thought> *phone*, when it
uses *phone minutes* not data).


Re: circle at the top left

Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com   nikyzf

Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:35 am (PST)

IOW it's the slowest data connection available.


On 20 November 2010 00:49, Piper <pcdoc_99@yahoo.com> wrote:

> GPRS Basicly it's 1G.......

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Question about iOS 4.2

Posted by: "Robin" donandrobin@me.com   hebertsdesign

Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:01 am (PST)

Forgive me if this was answered already. I probably missed it but when is the iOS update coming?


Re: Question about iOS 4.2

Posted by: "Bill Boulware" bill.boulware@gmail.com   boulware0224

Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:06 am (PST)

Before end of month, they haven't given a date yet.

Sent from my iPhone (please excuse incorrect auto-corrected words).

On Nov 20, 2010, at 9:40, "Robin" <donandrobin@me.com> wrote:

> Forgive me if this was answered already. I probably missed it but when is the iOS update coming?
> Thanks.
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: Question about iOS 4.2

Posted by: "Walter Palmer" walterpalmer@me.com   edpalmer260411

Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:36 am (PST)

They were on the verge of making 4.2 available last Friday when they discovered a WiFi bug. Apple has distributed version 4.2.1 Gold Master to developers. When that is approved it will be available. After coming to the brink of distribution and having to pull back, I would imagine they are giving it a serious examination in case there are other bugs. Also, there are always a few things that are not quite ready when 4.2 was finalized - I have no inside information, that's just life - I would assume that some of them will also be included.

[Side point - What makes people think that someone else's employer is any saner than theirs? My experience is that there is shockingly little difference.]

If you keep your ear to the ground something will step on your head.

On Nov 20, 2010, at 9:06 AM, Bill Boulware wrote:

> Before end of month, they haven't given a date yet.
> Sent from my iPhone (please excuse incorrect auto-corrected words).
> On Nov 20, 2010, at 9:40, "Robin" <donandrobin@me.com> wrote:
>> Forgive me if this was answered already. I probably missed it but when is the iOS update coming?
>> Thanks.


Re: I tunes card

Posted by: "Noura al-kuwari" sun_set585@yahoo.com   sun_set585

Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:26 am (PST)

Be for two weeks I bought I tunes cad but. I am remove and the number not clear and I have code and serial number because I want sam number

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]



Posted by: "Melody" melmagdalen1@tx.rr.com   melodydodd

Sat Nov 20, 2010 3:11 pm (PST)

My podcast episodes progress from one episode to the next. I don't want to delete episodes, and I'm sure there is a way to set them to stop after each episode, but can't find the place to set it (as you can with music-repeat/shuffle.)

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