[apple-iphone] Digest Number 2305

Tuesday, November 30, 2010 2:08 PM By Livemail

Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)

Nuisance "voice mail password incorrect" screen From: Book_of_Hezekiah
Re: App recs From: Archie Grapa
Re: App recs From: Belinda
Re: App recs From: Abdullah TASKIN
Free Find My Phone From: Diane Mettam
Re: Free Find My Phone From: Bill Boulware
Re: Free Find My Phone From: Otto Nikolaus
Re: Free Find My Phone From: Bill Boulware
Re: Free Find My Phone From: Otto Nikolaus
Re: Free Find My Phone From: Susan Ferraglio
Re: Free Find My Phone From: Bill Boulware
Re: Free Find My Phone From: Susan Ferraglio
Re: Free Find My Phone From: Susan Ferraglio
Re: Free Find My Phone From: Donald
Re: Free Find My Phone From: Alec Usticke
Re: iOS 4.2 Update Wipe Out Your iPhone Music? Try This. From: Book_of_Hezekiah
Re: iOS 4.2 Update Wipe Out Your iPhone Music? Try This. From: Otto Nikolaus
iso game center warning From: renegade600
Re: Bad apps! From: Archie Grapa
Phone Disk - Last Day From: Leif Gregory
Newbie info? From: whozethere
Re: Newbie info? From: Brent
Can't sync with Outlook calendar From: Penny
Re: Can't sync with Outlook calendar From: Bill Boulware
iphone4 Black-out From: iphone3g1907



Nuisance "voice mail password incorrect" screen

Posted by: "Book_of_Hezekiah" book_of_hezekiah_10_26@yahoo.com   book_of_hezekiah_10_26

Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:13 am (PST)

I'm getting the above error message at random times. If there is a pattern, it includes every time I conclude a phone call. This message box hovers over whatever I'm doing. I can exit it OR I can enter the password, but it pops back before too long.

I use a passcode but this is a different screen.


Re: App recs

Posted by: "Archie Grapa" archiegrapa@yahoo.com   archiegrapa

Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:14 am (PST)

Train conductor

 Archie 

On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:04, Devitt <devittad@comcast.net> wrote:

> I'm going to see my grandsons ages 7 and 9. They love to play with my iPhone. I'd like to download a game or two for them--interesting but not too hard or easy. Recommendations, anyone?
> TIA,
> Cathy
> Sent from my iPhone

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: App recs

Posted by: "Belinda" belindajanea@yahoo.com   stuckinjordan

Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:18 am (PST)

Talking Tom, its fun for any age!


On 30/11/2010, at 3:04 AM, Devitt <devittad@comcast.net> wrote:

> I'm going to see my grandsons ages 7 and 9. They love to play with my iPhone. I'd like to download a game or two for them--interesting but not too hard or easy. Recommendations, anyone?
> TIA,
> Cathy
> Sent from my iPhone

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: App recs

Posted by: "Abdullah TASKIN" abdullahtaskin@live.com

Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:18 am (PST)

If they are grandsons;

- Moto GP (50 MB but free motorcycle game) (My 9 years old nephew liked it a
- FS5 Hockey (one of favorites in itunes)
- Train Conduct (Helps to kids in matching the numbers; in the long run it
may be boring)
- Cut the rope (a problem solving game but maybe a little bit complicated
for that age... just try)

There are several car racing games but i do not know which one is the best..
Most of them may be suitable for that age...

Have fun with your grandson....

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 4:06 AM, Leif Gregory <lgitouch@gmail.com> wrote:

> No idea on if these are still free or not, but my six year old likes
> these and they'll probably be fun still for 7 and 9 yr olds. I'll put
> 7 or 9 after it to let you know about what age the app is more likely
> for.
> - Sparky the dog 7
> - Pocket God 7/9
> - Rat on the Run 7/9
> - Balloonacy 7
> - Scoops 7/9
> - Tux Rider 7/9
> - Totemo 9
> - Trace 9
> - Alien Booth 7/9
> - Train Conduct 9
> - Tiki Totems 9
> - FantasyLens 7/9
> - Photophunia 7/9
> - Jellycar 9
> My six year old plays or has played all of these on her iPhone. Some
> with more coaching than others. She catches on pretty quick but lacks
> the higher problem solving abilities and timing that Trace, Jellycar
> and Totemo sometimes require. That doesn't stop her from trying
> though. 
> --
> Leif Gregory
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 6:25 PM, Devitt <devittad@comcast.net<devittad%40comcast.net>>
> wrote:
> > I'm going to see my grandsons ages 7 and 9. They love to play with my
> iPhone. I'd like to download a game or two for them--interesting but not too
> hard or easy. Recommendations, anyone?
> >
> > TIA,
> >
> > Cathy
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Free Find My Phone

Posted by: "Diane Mettam" dmettam@yahoo.com   dmettam

Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:14 am (PST)

So is Find My Phone free for all iPhone 4 customers, or all customers using IOS 4.2.1? I'm confused.


Re: Free Find My Phone

Posted by: "Bill Boulware" bill.boulware@gmail.com   boulware0224

Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:52 am (PST)

Technically you have to have an iPhone 4, iPod Toch 4th Gen, or iPad running
4.2.1 to initiate the service but once it is initiated, you can use it on
all of your iOS devices running 4.2.1

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 23:35, Diane Mettam <dmettam@yahoo.com> wrote:

> So is Find My Phone free for all iPhone 4 customers, or all customers using
> IOS 4.2.1? I'm confused.
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Free Find My Phone

Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com   nikyzf

Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:18 am (PST)

This should be clearer but it seems not to be available unless you have an
iPhone 4. I've installed 4.2.1 on my 3GS but I get "Device Not Supported"
when I try to register.

This is disappointing.


On 30 November 2010 04:35, Diane Mettam <dmettam@yahoo.com> wrote:

> So is Find My Phone free for all iPhone 4 customers, or all customers using
> IOS 4.2.1? I'm confused.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Free Find My Phone

Posted by: "Bill Boulware" bill.boulware@gmail.com   boulware0224

Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:28 am (PST)

If you register an iPhone 4 first then you can register your phone and even
remove the iPhone 4 - it is detailed on lifehacker.com

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 07:13, Otto Nikolaus

> This should be clearer but it seems not to be available unless you have an
> iPhone 4. I've installed 4.2.1 on my 3GS but I get "Device Not Supported"
> when I try to register.
> This is disappointing.
> Otto
> On 30 November 2010 04:35, Diane Mettam <dmettam@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > So is Find My Phone free for all iPhone 4 customers, or all customers
> using
> > IOS 4.2.1? I'm confused.
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Free Find My Phone

Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com   nikyzf

Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:04 am (PST)

So it seems. As I don't have a 4, but do have a device (3GS) that can run
4.2.1, it seems to be an unnecessary limitation. (I've never been tempted by
.mac or mobileme because of the price.)


On 30 November 2010 12:28, Bill Boulware <bill.boulware@gmail.com> wrote:

> If you register an iPhone 4 first then you can register your phone and even
> remove the iPhone 4 - it is detailed on lifehacker.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Free Find My Phone

Posted by: "Susan Ferraglio" bladessf@aol.com   bladessf2000

Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:04 am (PST)

I have a 3 GS And a paid MobileMe subscription but locating the phone is not working. When asked to retype in my password that I just used to sign into my account (and can read emails and contacts) it returns the error -password not valid. That is just for the find my phone.

I am going to call support just wanted to give them some time with all the questions they having about 4.2!! And the holiday rush.

Does anyone else have this problem?Strange that I can access all the other components of mobile me without a hitch. I have tried my iTunes Password and the password to the phone itself.

I can locate my phone when I use the find my phone app on the phone but what good is that? ;-0


Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:54 AM, Otto Nikolaus <otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com> wrote:

> So it seems. As I don't have a 4, but do have a device (3GS) that can run
> 4.2.1, it seems to be an unnecessary limitation. (I've never been tempted by
> .mac or mobileme because of the price.)
> Otto
> On 30 November 2010 12:28, Bill Boulware <bill.boulware@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If you register an iPhone 4 first then you can register your phone and even
>> remove the iPhone 4 - it is detailed on lifehacker.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: Free Find My Phone

Posted by: "Bill Boulware" bill.boulware@gmail.com   boulware0224

Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:27 am (PST)

Where are you getting the error at - remove the MMe account on your phone
and readd with full email address (it used to put @me.com in automatically,
it now requires that you enter it since anyone with any email address can
access Find My iPhone).

Same thing for me.com and the Find My iPhone App the user id is the full
email address including @me.com and the same password you always used.

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 09:00, Susan Ferraglio <bladessf@aol.com> wrote:

> I have a 3 GS And a paid MobileMe subscription but locating the phone is
> not working. When asked to retype in my password that I just used to sign
> into my account (and can read emails and contacts) it returns the error
> -password not valid. That is just for the find my phone.
> I am going to call support just wanted to give them some time with all the
> questions they having about 4.2!! And the holiday rush.
> Does anyone else have this problem?Strange that I can access all the other
> components of mobile me without a hitch. I have tried my iTunes Password
> and the password to the phone itself.
> I can locate my phone when I use the find my phone app on the phone but
> what good is that? ;-0
> Sue
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:54 AM, Otto Nikolaus <otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com>
> wrote:
> > So it seems. As I don't have a 4, but do have a device (3GS) that can run
> > 4.2.1, it seems to be an unnecessary limitation. (I've never been tempted
> by
> > .mac or mobileme because of the price.)
> >
> > Otto
> >
> > On 30 November 2010 12:28, Bill Boulware <bill.boulware@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >> If you register an iPhone 4 first then you can register your phone and
> even
> >> remove the iPhone 4 - it is detailed on lifehacker.com
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: Free Find My Phone

Posted by: "Susan Ferraglio" bladessf@aol.com   bladessf2000

Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:38 am (PST)

Thanks Bill - you had suggested that when I inquired about this problem but hadn't updated to 4.2 yet. I forgot about deleting the account from the phone. Will try that now again as I have since updated to 4.2.
Will let you know!!

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:26 AM, Bill Boulware <bill.boulware@gmail.com> wrote:

> Where are you getting the error at - remove the MMe account on your phone
> and readd with full email address (it used to put @me.com in automatically,
> it now requires that you enter it since anyone with any email address can
> access Find My iPhone).
> Same thing for me.com and the Find My iPhone App the user id is the full
> email address including @me.com and the same password you always used.
> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 09:00, Susan Ferraglio <bladessf@aol.com> wrote:
>> I have a 3 GS And a paid MobileMe subscription but locating the phone is
>> not working. When asked to retype in my password that I just used to sign
>> into my account (and can read emails and contacts) it returns the error
>> -password not valid. That is just for the find my phone.
>> I am going to call support just wanted to give them some time with all the
>> questions they having about 4.2!! And the holiday rush.
>> Does anyone else have this problem?Strange that I can access all the other
>> components of mobile me without a hitch. I have tried my iTunes Password
>> and the password to the phone itself.
>> I can locate my phone when I use the find my phone app on the phone but
>> what good is that? ;-0
>> Sue
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:54 AM, Otto Nikolaus <otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> So it seems. As I don't have a 4, but do have a device (3GS) that can run
>>> 4.2.1, it seems to be an unnecessary limitation. (I've never been tempted
>> by
>>> .mac or mobileme because of the price.)
>>> Otto
>>> On 30 November 2010 12:28, Bill Boulware <bill.boulware@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> If you register an iPhone 4 first then you can register your phone and
>> even
>>>> remove the iPhone 4 - it is detailed on lifehacker.com
>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>>> ------------------------------------
>>> Yahoo! Groups Links
>> ------------------------------------
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: Free Find My Phone

Posted by: "Susan Ferraglio" bladessf@aol.com   bladessf2000

Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:03 am (PST)

Hi Bill - no go. Deleted the account from phone. Readers with full address and still get password incorrect at second asking in the find my phone on PC.
I am going to call support. Perhaps they have some flukey thing that is going on.

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 30, 2010, at 9:26 AM, Bill Boulware <bill.boulware@gmail.com> wrote:

> Where are you getting the error at - remove the MMe account on your phone
> and readd with full email address (it used to put @me.com in automatically,
> it now requires that you enter it since anyone with any email address can
> access Find My iPhone).
> Same thing for me.com and the Find My iPhone App the user id is the full
> email address including @me.com and the same password you always used.
> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 09:00, Susan Ferraglio <bladessf@aol.com> wrote:
>> I have a 3 GS And a paid MobileMe subscription but locating the phone is
>> not working. When asked to retype in my password that I just used to sign
>> into my account (and can read emails and contacts) it returns the error
>> -password not valid. That is just for the find my phone.
>> I am going to call support just wanted to give them some time with all the
>> questions they having about 4.2!! And the holiday rush.
>> Does anyone else have this problem?Strange that I can access all the other
>> components of mobile me without a hitch. I have tried my iTunes Password
>> and the password to the phone itself.
>> I can locate my phone when I use the find my phone app on the phone but
>> what good is that? ;-0
>> Sue
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:54 AM, Otto Nikolaus <otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> So it seems. As I don't have a 4, but do have a device (3GS) that can run
>>> 4.2.1, it seems to be an unnecessary limitation. (I've never been tempted
>> by
>>> .mac or mobileme because of the price.)
>>> Otto
>>> On 30 November 2010 12:28, Bill Boulware <bill.boulware@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> If you register an iPhone 4 first then you can register your phone and
>> even
>>>> remove the iPhone 4 - it is detailed on lifehacker.com


Re: Free Find My Phone

Posted by: "Donald" xlnt74@sbcglobal.net   xlnt74@sbcglobal.net

Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:57 am (PST)

Here is a "problem" for all the experts to ponder:

I have an iPhone 4 running 4.2.1 and the free find my iPhone service. Find my iPhone works the three or four times I have tried it. But I keep getting "Can not access (user id) check settings". When I check my user ID and password all looks fine.

Any Ideas?


Re: Free Find My Phone

Posted by: "Alec Usticke" list3@usticke.org   austicke

Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:07 am (PST)

I'm getting the same exact thing. Everything work fine, but that warning comes up periodically

Alec Usticke

On Nov 30, 2010, at 12:49 PM, "Donald" <xlnt74@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Here is a "problem" for all the experts to ponder:
> I have an iPhone 4 running 4.2.1 and the free find my iPhone service. Find my iPhone works the three or four times I have tried it. But I keep getting "Can not access (user id) check settings". When I check my user ID and password all looks fine.
> Any Ideas?


Re: iOS 4.2 Update Wipe Out Your iPhone Music? Try This.

Posted by: "Book_of_Hezekiah" book_of_hezekiah_10_26@yahoo.com   book_of_hezekiah_10_26

Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:18 am (PST)

I updated to iOS 4.2 and a couple days later, for the very first time, downloaded music from my PC via iTunes. I sent about 13 gig.

At least some of the music is on the phone--it began playing for no apparent reason, first random songs by different artists, then at one point an album cover "took over" the whole screen for a second. I noticed that the next TWO songs were from that album.

I have no idea how to locate the list of music, or how to directly stop it from playing. I know I can start to make a call, or power off (screen off or whatever it's called when pressing the top right button). But where is Pause or Skip or whatever?

--- In apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com, Bill Boulware <bill.boulware@...> wrote:
> http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/5CEN0r9ZFaM/
> Sent to you by Bill Boulware via Google Reader: iOS 4.2 Update Wipe Out
> Your iPhone Music? Try This. via TechCrunch by MG Siegler on 11/22/10
> As you’re probably well aware by now, iOS 4.2 (technically, iOS 4.2.1)
> has been released by Apple today. The update unifies iOS across the
> iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad for the first time. But it also comes with
> an annoying bug that some users are seeing.
> After you update to the new OS, if you load the iPod (Music) app, you
> may see a message stating that your currently have “No Content” on the
> device. The problem is that many people do. For example, I have 7.8
> gigabytes of audio on my iPhone, but after the update, none of it could
> be located. Luckily, there’s an easy fix.
> As you can see in this Apple Discussion forum, others are having the
> same issue. The way to fix it is apparently to plug your iPhone back
> into your computer, play a song from the iPhone on your computer, and
> then sync. The process is very quick because it doesn’t actually have
> to transfer all that music again, it just makes it recognize that it’s
> already there. Sure enough, my content is now back.
> Oddly, it looks as if this issue may only affect the iPhone 4. I
> updated an iPhone 3GS earlier and see all my music just fine. Likewise
> with the iPad.
> Update: A few people have since said that the problem affects iPod
> touches as well.
> Update 2: And yet more people are saying it’s affecting their iPhone
> 3GS as well. Again, my 3GS updated just fine. Weird.
> [via Dwight Silverman]
> CrunchBase InformationiPhone 4Information provided by CrunchBase
> Things you can do from here:
> - Subscribe to TechCrunch using Google Reader
> - Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your
> favorite sites
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: iOS 4.2 Update Wipe Out Your iPhone Music? Try This.

Posted by: "Otto Nikolaus" otto.nikolaus@googlemail.com   nikyzf

Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:16 am (PST)

On the "home" screen, there is an iPod icon at the bottom. Just click that
and you have control of the music.

But I've never heard of it playing without going into the iPod function. Are
you touching or pressing the screen without realising? Press the top button
to disable the touch screen.


On 30 November 2010 07:05, Book_of_Hezekiah <
book_of_hezekiah_10_26@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I updated to iOS 4.2 and a couple days later, for the very first time,
> downloaded music from my PC via iTunes. I sent about 13 gig.
> At least some of the music is on the phone--it began playing for no
> apparent reason, first random songs by different artists, then at one point
> an album cover "took over" the whole screen for a second. I noticed that the
> next TWO songs were from that album.
> I have no idea how to locate the list of music, or how to directly stop it
> from playing. I know I can start to make a call, or power off (screen off
> or whatever it's called when pressing the top right button). But where is
> Pause or Skip or whatever?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


iso game center warning

Posted by: "renegade600" renegade600@yahoo.com   renegade600

Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:18 am (PST)

looks like apple made changes where when you accept a friend, they get to see your real name. So if you have kids who's playing there could be problems

Starting today, when you send a friend request or accept a friend request, your real name in addition to your gamer tag or nickname will be shown to that person. Apple added that new policy in a change to its terms of service agreement to Game Center.

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-31021_3-20024076-260.html#ixzz16l0iufxT


Re: Bad apps!

Posted by: "Archie Grapa" archiegrapa@yahoo.com   archiegrapa

Tue Nov 30, 2010 3:26 am (PST)

Try using iTunes to rearrange. Although I find it harder.

iTunes is acting weird with apps lately.

My Dad's iPhone apps (purchased on the iPhone) are all gone after I synced it with his Mac.

And I couldn't transfer them to iTunes either.

Couldn't download any app too. Cites permission problem.

 Archie 

On Nov 30, 2010, at 7:43, Bill Boulware <bill.boulware@gmail.com> wrote:

> Use iTunes to organize them, then sync. Click on apps under the device (where you click which ones to sync ) and use the right hand column to do it.
> Sent from my iPhone (please excuse incorrect auto-corrected words).
> On Nov 29, 2010, at 18:40, Calle's Yahoo <calle_kitten@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Hi. I spent 10 min rearranging all my aps. Then I did a synch and it put them all back where they were before.
> >
> > Any tips? iPhone 3Gs with PC Vista
> >
> > Thanks. Calle
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Phone Disk - Last Day

Posted by: "Leif Gregory" lgitouch@gmail.com   ldgregory69

Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:04 am (PST)

If you already haven't grabbed Phone Disk as reported by Bill a while
back, today is your last chance to activate the software with a free
registration code. Even if you don't think it's something you need
now, grab it anyway before the free registration code expires on Dec
1st. You never know when it might come in handy.


I have no affiliation with Macroplant or Phone Disk. I just think it's
a great program.

Leif Gregory 


Newbie info?

Posted by: "whozethere" whozethere@gmail.com   whozethere

Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:51 am (PST)

I am getting my first iPhone on Saturday. It will be the iPhone 4. Is there any particular reference place you would send someone to study up on a new phone? I have owned other smart phones (BlackBerry, Palm, Windows) and am just making the switch to a phone that can fully support good apps.

I am also interested in learning how to sync some programs to my pc desktop by wifi. I am curious about what bluetooth stereo headsets work well with the iPhone.



Re: Newbie info?

Posted by: "Brent" flapdoodle@gmail.com   flapdoodle44

Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:00 am (PST)

You can find the full user guide here:

I always find a lot of good information about the iPhone by searching

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 8:46 AM, whozethere <whozethere@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am getting my first iPhone on Saturday. It will be the iPhone 4. Is there
> any particular reference place you would send someone to study up on a new
> phone? I have owned other smart phones (BlackBerry, Palm, Windows) and am
> just making the switch to a phone that can fully support good apps.
> I am also interested in learning how to sync some programs to my pc desktop
> by wifi. I am curious about what bluetooth stereo headsets work well with
> the iPhone.
> TIA,
> Vickie

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Can't sync with Outlook calendar

Posted by: "Penny" PENNYGOODSTEIN@YAHOO.COM   pennygoodstein

Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:37 am (PST)

When I sync my iPhone 4 with my computer, the Outlook contacts sync, but the calendar doesn't. Anyone have any suggestions for how to fix this? I also wish I could get the iPhone to sync with Outlook tasks and notes. My old iPhone 3 did sync with calendar and notes, but never with tasks.


Re: Can't sync with Outlook calendar

Posted by: "Bill Boulware" bill.boulware@gmail.com   boulware0224

Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:39 am (PST)

It should be on the Info tab when you plug the iPhone in - no way to sync
Tasks that I am aware of but Calendars and Notes sync.

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 14:34, Penny <PENNYGOODSTEIN@yahoo.com> wrote:

> When I sync my iPhone 4 with my computer, the Outlook contacts sync, but
> the calendar doesn't. Anyone have any suggestions for how to fix this? I
> also wish I could get the iPhone to sync with Outlook tasks and notes. My
> old iPhone 3 did sync with calendar and notes, but never with tasks.
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


iphone4 Black-out

Posted by: "iphone3g1907" iphone3g1907@yahoo.com   iphone3g1907

Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:08 pm (PST)

My iPhone4 was fully charged. it was completely black-out and would not turn on (bricked?)I used it maybe 2 to 3 hours after it was fully charged. Finally, I plugged it to the wall charger and about 3 minutes later I hold both (power and home key for about 10 seconds. Shortly after that I saw the apple logo and started the charge. Battery was 86% full.

Why is this happened? Does anybody experience this?
Should I be concern?

Thank you everybody..

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