RE: [apple-iphone] Re: iphone security
somehow doubt that would be possible. Your talking about automounting a device that is already connected to a windows machine....
now i imagine the concern is more the other way around. If its connected to a ubuntu machine (for whatever reason) and there is a windows machine which has remote access to the ubuntu machine
Date: Thu, 27 May 2010 22:08:40 +0000
Subject: [apple-iphone] Re: iphone security
that could be very possible if you plug it into a computer on an open network. Not tried it yet but if its plugged into a windows computer and the computer is on a network that has ubuntu machines, it could be seen by others.
--- In, Rich <thekellergroup@...> wrote:
> Interesting but the person needs to have access to your physical iPhone.
> Now if this could be done remotely, it could be huge.
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