Re: [apple-iphone] Sold Old iPhone 3GS in Less than 8 Hours

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 8:43 AM By Livemail


Hey, help me with the reasoning on this. When figuring if I could afford to upgrade from the 3GS to the 4 I checked what it might sell the 3GS for on ebay and craigslist.

When I saw them going for $300+ over the new price on ebay, I figured it was just the crooks looking for suckers.

When I saw the same prices being asked for on craigslist, I was stumped. What's the reasoning? Is that the surcharge for getting iphone without a contract? Yeah, and you could still update the iOS, but I saw 3G going for a premium, also.

If so, how do you get iphone service on AT&T without a 2 year contract? T-mobile, sure, but not AT&T. Or is that just "buyer be ware"?

I was totally blown away by these prices.


Outside of Portland, OR,
on my 15" MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz, early 2008, Mac OS X 10.6.4,
& iPhone 3GS, iOS 4, nearby.

On Jun 30, 2010, at 6:41 AM, Mark wrote:

> For those who still have their old iPhones and want to sell it. I
> published my white iPhone 3GS 16G on yesterday afternoon and
> had it sold by that evening by some locally. I was asking $300 for it but
> settled for $275. Not a bad deal since I bought my new iPhone 4 for $200.
> :)

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