[apple-iphone] Help needed installing iTunes 9.2 so I can use my iPhone 4
Got my iPhone4 last Friday. Got home to discover that my MacBook, which was running OS 10.4.11, needed to be updated to 10.5.8 or better. Saturday I got Snow Leopard, and this morning installed it. Had already updated iTunes to 9.2. So far, so good.
Plugged in my iPhone 4, and iTunes wouldn't recognize it.
Found a thread on the Apple discussions site where someone mentioned removing & reinstalling the AMDS (deleting the AMDS files, then deleting iTunes, restarting the computer, downloading iTunes all over again, and installing).
I did all that, up to downloading iTunes 9.2. But I cannot get iTunes 9.2 to install. Doubleclicking on the disk image does nothing. I've tried and tried many times - delete files, restart, download, doubleclick -- and nothing.
Any idea what's going on here and what I can do to get iTunes 9.2 back on my MacBook... so that it recognizes my iPhone 4?
Many thanks.
-- Susan
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