Re: [apple-iphone] New Data Plan - Death of Streaming?

Thursday, July 1, 2010 10:46 AM By Livemail


To paraphrase the movie "Apocolypse Now", "I love the sound of FUD in the morning."

Have you checked your data usage on your plan yet? Can you tell me your average data usage? Most people can't, and most people currently come no where near using 2Gb on their iPhone. So AT&T may actually have a decrease in revenue.

Have you downloaded an App like Consume from the Apps Store or looked at your usage online in your AT&T account? (Usage & ? tab)

How our data usage will change with the possibility of tethering, movie streaming, and (wash my mouth out with soap) Farmville, is yet to be seen. I'm sure for the kiddies it will go up.

If you look at my other post, you will notice that I watched two 43 minute shows and used 163Mb of data. I have since watched another and it only increased my usage by about 10Mb. So in 20 days my usage is at 270Mb of data, and that is with 3 hour long shows on Hulu, and a ton more email answered on my iPhone than I usually do in say 3 months.

Right now that puts me past the lowest plan of 200Mb, so my choice would be stay on the smallest plan and pay $30 for 400Mb, or switch to the larger plan and pay $25 for 2Gb. I am currently on the grandfathered unlimited plan so I pay $30. Looks like if i was not grandfathered, I would pay less by using the larger plan that has more data usage than I need.

Yes, I am going to keep my grandfathered unlimited plan and monitor my usage. BTW my average data usage over the last 11 months has been under 80Mb with a high of 195Mb. I don't like the available content in Hulu, can't stand Farmville, and don't see a need in a metro area to tether, so I shouldn't be changing my data usage that much.

I see nothing wrong with paying for what you use. The plan could be a little more proportional, but hey it's a start.

And no I am not an AT&T apologist, in fact I hate all 2 year contracts.


Outside of Portland, OR,
on my 15" MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz, early 2008, Mac OS X 10.6.4,
& iPhone 3GS, iOS 4, nearby.

On Jun 30, 2010, at 11:37 PM, KT wrote:

> but when will netflix debute their app? 2025? lol. I am certain that when
> these companies notified apple of their intent to create an app to stream
> such heavy content that AT&T was notified and that they knew that they had
> to beef things up, that they could not go on as they have been, but that
> also made it easy for AT&T to kill the unlimited use sales and then reap the
> overage charges... that is a great big extra for them... still less use than
> it would have been under the old priceing, but much more revenue.

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