Re: [apple-iphone] Sync'ing with Exchange Server Folders, No Badges

Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:40 AM By Livemail


There is a setting of which folders to push/sync in Settings > Mail >
{Exchange Account} > "Mail Folders To Push" if you want other ones in
addition to inbox, select them there.

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 13:06, Bob <> wrote:

> I've wrassled with a quirk of the iPhone's sync capability since I bought
> my 3gs. I'm wondering if anyone has found a work-around.
> With Outlook on my work computer, I use rules to send emai to various
> folders. Depending on how I set up the rule, some are designated "server"
> and will run on the server whether or not my computer is on or not. So
> those emails get diverted to the proper folders regardless. Other rules,
> again depending on how they're set up, are designated "client" and will only
> work if Outlook is running. For client rules, the target emails will stay
> in the inbox until I run Outlook at which time they execute and move the
> emails to the proper folders.
> The aggravating thing with the iPhone is that it doesn't show badges when
> email gets dropped into a folder by a It only badges emails that get left
> in the inbox. I have to scan through looking for any new emails that may
> have been processed by the server rule and get stuffed into a folder. If I
> turn off my computer while I'm gone, the client rules just leave email in
> the inbox providing badges as expected. If I leave the computer on, then
> email processed by client rules moves into folders just as email process by
> server rules.
> The only ways around this I've found are: 1) trick all my rules into being
> client rules and turn off my computer when I'm gone or 2) turn off all the
> rules if I need to keep the computer on while I'm gone.
> To me, this is quite irritating. If only the iPhone issued badges when
> email appears in any folder, not just the inbox, all would be well.
> Any ideas from the list?
> Bob
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