Re: [apple-iphone] Reader app question

Sunday, January 31, 2010 5:00 PM By Livemail


I am not into a lot of eBook reading although I did read the Lost symbol on Kindle for the iPhone. I was directed to this site for better eBook management and thought it might help you. Not sure about DRM type books but here is the link:

They do not have an iPhone app but do use Stanza to read the books loaded from your reader on the desktop. It can also load to your kindle reader. There is nice demo to help. It seems to
handle a lot of formats.

In a message dated 01/31/10 14:40:51 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I have a number of books in Mobipocket (.prc) format that I've up till now
been reading on my Kindle. I'm NOT talking about books purchased from
Amazon in Amazon's proprietary Kindle format -- I'm talking DRM'd .prc books
that are not tied to one device. I'd like to be able to read these
independent of Amazon and the Kindle, with an eye to maybe getting an iPad
when it comes out, but it seems Stanza won't read them -- I have no idea why
that should be the case. Is there some other iPhone reading app that will
read DRM'd .prc files?



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