[apple-iphone] re: ipads in the classroom

Sunday, January 31, 2010 7:00 AM By Livemail


Whoa guys, I wasn't debating the pros and cons of Apple vs. PC here, I was responding to a previous poster who said elementary schools would jump on the iPad for school use.

My point was that the iPad did not bring anything new to the game or was more useful than the netbook.  That's all.  I thought the iPad did not have word processing capability, and therefore, in my mind, that made it pretty useless for the classroom at any level.

I'm sure we could go through all the schools in the U.S. and find out which are PC and which are Mac, but I don't know of one private school in my area, and there are a lot, that are Mac based, in spite of the education discount (which I have taken advantage of for my 2 children who i bought macbooks for when they needed laptops).  When I first got a job at my school, all the computers were Apple, my computer at home was a Mac, but within a year, they switched the entire school to PC.  And my daughter's college is PC.  But if I had to buy my own laptop, I'd buy a macbook!  I do, however, really like the touch capability of the table PC my school loans to me.  I would not, however, buy an iPad to get it.

I'm just saying that as a teacher, I see no advantage to having an iPad over a netbook in my classroom.  My students and I love the netbooks--small, have a lid, a camera, and were cheap.  When our IT people looked at laptops for the students, they were comparing PC netbooks to Apples macbook, and the macbook came up hugely short on price, even with the discounts, and we were a PC based school anyway.  I think that if today, they were comparing the netbook to the iPad, they'd have gone with the netbook anyway.

See ya,

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