[aurangabad_ca] Good Luck for Tommarrow. [1 Attachment]
[Attachment(s) from Kaushal K Mundada included below]
Dear All,
Good Luck For Sports Meet 2010...........................
CA Kaushal K Mundada
+ 91 9823116005
CA Kaushal K Mundada
+ 91 9823116005
----- Original Message -----
From: Sunil Agrawal
To: smita kapse
Cc: Kaushal K
Sent: 30 January, 2010 3:24 PM
Subject: Fw:
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: CA Shrenik Shah <shreniksolapur@gmail.com >
To: SUNIL INGALE <sunilgingale@gmail.com >; Madhusudan Karwa <madhukarwa@yahoo.co.in >; M.. M. Nadaf <spr_mmnadaf@sancharnet.in >; Dhiresh Dayama <d_dhiresh@rediffmail.com >; Deepak Khandagale <deepak_k85@rediffmail.com >; CA.. SACHIN SHRINIVAS BHATTAD <sachinbhattadca@gmail.com >; CA Sunil Agrawal <sunilagrawal_ca@yahoo.com >; CA Dhiraj Baldota <cadhirajbaldota@gmail.com >; CA Dhanraj Nogaja <dhanrajca@rediffmail.com>; Basavaraj Ujalambe <raj_4882@rediffmail.com>; Atul Toshniwal <toshni2000@gmail.com>; Adwait Kulkarni <k_adwait@yahoo.co.in>; ABHI UJALAMBE <abhi_ujalambe@rediffmail.com>; a a a <a_a_kulkarni77@rediffmail.com>; viru <virendra1307@rediffmail.com>; JAJU RAJESH <jajurajesh@rediffmail.com>
Cc: chandakrajesh@rediffmail.com; CHANDAK ATUL <akchandak369@gmail.com>; Vijayendra Deshmukh <rcusolapur@rediffmail.com>; Rohit Shah <rohit_r_shah2003@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sat, January 30, 2010 2:20:46 PM
Subject: Fw:
With warm regards,
Rajesh Jaju
Business Associate - Solapur
Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd;
436, Chati Galli, Solapur 413 002
Tel : 0217 3290427 / 2324986
Cell:9370 420 153
I am working for Best Brokreage House in India
Rated "Most Independent Research - Local Brokerage" by Asiamoney Brokers Poll 2006
From: CA Shrenik Shah <shreniksolapur@
To: SUNIL INGALE <sunilgingale@
Cc: chandakrajesh@
Sent: Sat, January 30, 2010 2:20:46 PM
Subject: Fw:
----- Original Message -----
From: Rajesh Jaju
Cc: shail_band@yahoo.co.in ; adityasoak2003@yahoo.com ; ayd_69@yahoo.com ; ganeshnadgouda@yahoo.com ; girish_harhare@hotmail.com ; girish_pandit2003@yahoo.com ; harish.hardikar@gmail.com ; kmaghor@rediffmail.com ; kirankeskar@rediffmail.com ; mmdeosthali@yahoo.com ; manishpitke@gmail.com ; nsnavandar@rediffmail.com ; nprasanna70@yahoo.com ; raghu.deshpande@hotmail.com ; apterahul@yahoo.com ; chandakrajesh@rediffmail.com ; ksachin_bk1@rediffmail.com ; sb_padalkar@rediffmail.com ; seemant_ac@rediffmail.com ; shridhar_hardikar@yahoo.com ; spbuwa@yahoo.co.in ; kulkarni.sudhindra@rediffmail.com ; vinit_chiplunkar@vsnl.net ; atuldegaonkar@rediffmail.com ; mmulay@thermaxindia.com ; shreniksolapur@gmail.com ; fcanrw@gmail.com ; akchandak369@gmail.com ; invest_trend@hotmail.com ; anandsuturesin@rediffmail.com ; paragk@ovtlindia.com ; anildabade@yahoo.com ; kedarkahate@gmail.com ; rajeshbnikam@rediffmail.com ; hdhs1984solapur@gmail.com ; naveen.bet@gmail.com ; purushottamkarad@hotmail.com ; prekshatravels@rediffmail.com ; patilmc@yahoo.com ; milind_gk@yahoo.com ; kalyanind@rediffmail.com ; sbrashinkar@rediffmail.com ; phadnisshriram@rediffmail.com ; sudhirl@aftek.com ; tamhankar_27@yahoo.co.in ; vikingleof@rediffmail.com ; asktea@rediffmail.com ; spr_waentslp@sancharnet.in ; manoj_chauhan@daimlerchrysler.com ; milind_161974@yahoo.com ; bhakare_nitin@yahoo.com ; ptrakash09@rediffmail.com ; sanhaymantri@hotmail.com ; raghavinfo@email.com ; banshankari@rediffmail.com ; deshna_shah@rediffmail.com ; anantpur@hotmail.com ; smita_sushilshah@rediffmail.com ; vaibhavdhonsale@yahoo..com ; v_virendra@hotmail.com ; dkca@eth.ent ; k2boss200@yahoo.com ; kuljite@yahoo.com
Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2010 10:35 AM
With warm regards,
Rajesh Jaju
Business Associate - Solapur
Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd;
436, Chati Galli, Solapur 413 002
Tel : 0217 3290427 / 2324986
Cell:9370 420 153
I am working for Best Brokreage House in India
Rated "Most Independent Research - Local Brokerage" by Asiamoney Brokers Poll 2006
Attachment(s) from Kaushal K Mundada
1 of 1 File(s)
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