Re: [aurangabad_ca] Very good Presentation on professional tax and MVAT
Hi Friends
My querry is
whether a Trust, which is doing a Charitable Activity, needs to Enroll itself under Profession Tax Act..
It may be doing some consultancy and earning money to be used for the Charitable Purpose... or it may be running a school / college
My querry is specific about Enrolment Number and not that of Registration Number..
2009/11/15 girish kulkarni < >
[Attachment(s) from girish kulkarni included below]
Source of DownloadsDear friends,
just click here to download the ppt presentation on Prof Tax 7360184/Proftax. pdf.html
just click here to download the ppt presentation on Sales/Vat tax 7360260/salestax .pdf.html
PPT Shared By Pappu Mishra
Girish R. Kulkarni, Chartered Accountant O:- Flat No UL-16, Chetan
Super Market, Trimurty Chowk, Aurangabad 431005
Phone 0240 –2352001,2352004 Fax 2362144 Mobile 9225306814/9890528879
join ca_updates (sms this to 567678 to get updates)
With Warm Regards,
CA. Vikas Garud
Chartered Accountant
Tel -0253-2316384/
alternate id : ca.vikasgarud@
HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!!!!!
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