[apple-iphone] Re: Can't complete download of purchased song

Thursday, December 31, 2009 4:03 PM By Livemail


When you encounter these and similar problems, you can get iTunes support by following these steps to report a problem:

Begin by going to the iTunes Store and choosing "Account" from the right-hand menu. Enter your iTunes account password when prompted.
Now you'll be presented with an account overview page that lists all of your personal, billing, authorization, and purchase information.

In the middle of the page, there is a line that lists your Most Recent Purchase date and a button to display your iTunes Store Purchase History. Click that button.

On the Purchase History page, you should see a listing of your recent purchases. In that list should be the item or items you bought but are having trouble with.

To report a problem with a purchase and get help fixing the problem, click the arrow at the left next to the name of the item that has the problem.

The page you'll come to next will something like an invoice, listing the item you bought, the amount it cost, when you bought it, etc. At the bottom of the screen is a button labeled "Report Problem." Click it.

It may appear that the page hasn't changed much, but if you look close to the price of the item on the page, you'll see that the words "report a problem" have appeared. This is a link. Click it to report your problem to Apple.

You'll now be presented with a page that lets you select the type of problem you're having and include details about it. When you've explained the situation, click the "submit" button and your iTunes Support request will be submitted to Apple.
ITunes support staff will contact you at the email address you use in your iTunes account to correct the problem.

--- In apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com, "jim_hack" <jim_hack@...> wrote:
> I bought a song through my phone and it shows the dowload errored. I tried dozens of time to restart it and it fails instantly. I go home and fire up the computer expecting it to be in the download area. No download comes up.
> Ok, I'll try it over from the begining I hunt the song down through iTunes on computer and when it comes up it says "PURCHASED"
> How do I get my song?????




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