T HE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF INDIA(Set up by an Act of Parliament) Elections – 2009 30 th December, 2009ANNOUNCEMENT ON POSTAL BALLOTS – DECISION TAKEN To: 1. All candidates and/or their authorized representatives present in the Counting Centre 2. To be hosted on Institute's website. This refers to the written objections received, amongst others, on need for verification of signatures and bulk posting allegedly made. In the course of dealing with the above objections and disposing of the postal ballot papers received from the Central India Regional Constituency (both for the 21 st Council and20 th Regional Council), the following decision, amongst others, has been taken under Rule39 (reproduced below) for disregarding the postal envelopes received: Ballot papers which are consecutively posted and for which clear cut evidence is available in the postal receipt/envelope itself are treated as bulk posting in the context of Clause (4) of Schedule 7 to the Chartered Accountants (Election to the Council) Rules, 2006 (reproduced hereunder), the objective of which is to prevent misuse of postal ballots by persons other than the bonafide voters and in the light of the election dispute case settled by the Election Tribunal in the past. Clause 4, Schedule 7 " The Returning Officer shall disregard all covers containing the votingpapers relating to two or more members and posted in one and the same envelope." Rule 39 " Returning Officer to decide on certain matters. – If any question pertainingto or incidental to the procedure for conduct of elections including matters not specifically covered by these rules, arises, it shall be decided by the Returning Officer or the officer authorized by him under these rules. Explanation: For the purpose of this rule , the conduct of election shall also include the process of counting of votes and declaration of results." ( T. KARTHIKEYAN ) Returning Officer and Secretary "ICAI Bhawan", Indraprastha Marg, Post Box No. 7100, New Delhi – 110 002. India Phone: (+91) (011) 3989 3989 ; Fax: (+91) (011) 3011 0589 Email: icaiho@icai. |
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