Re: [aurangabad_ca] quary and required specimen of indemnitybond [1 Attachment]

Tuesday, December 8, 2009 11:13 PM By Livemail


[Attachment(s) from Kiran Chaddarwala included below]

Please find herewith Indemnity bond for refund order.
Kiran Chaddarwala

--- On Tue, 8/12/09, haria.rupal <> wrote:

From: haria.rupal <>
Subject: [aurangabad_ca] quary and required specimen of indemnitybond
Date: Tuesday, 8 December, 2009, 6:49 PM

Dear Colleague Member,

I require draft of indemnity bond to get the old refund from the department, if any one is having it, pl provide to me.


My client is senior citizen since 1964 he is running business of mfg of furniture accessories, now he wants to transfer running business to his grand son , whether it can be done throug converting existing proprietor firm in to partnership firm by admitting grand son as a partner and then after from 01-04-2010 dissolve the partnership firm and grand father will retire fr the said business and grand son will continue the business, but here there will be problem to transfer the assets of the firm to new proprietory concern,

second alternative is to tfd the business through will of Grandfather

please throw light on the above mentioned quary.


Rupal Haria CA

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Attachment(s) from Kiran Chaddarwala

1 of 1 File(s)

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