Re: [apple-iphone] Re: iphone security
I agree but if it's as bad as some think, I am sure a patch will be released
by Apple to fix it shortly. I also don't see this as widespread as a lot of this
is speculation if it can be accessed without actually having the iphone in your
Sent from my iPad 3G.
On May 27, 2010, at 6:22 PM, "renegade600" <> wrote:
> the purpose of posting...I should have added, with the number of iphones stolen and the amount of personal information on it, everyone is relying on the pin and security apps to protect their personal information on it.
> I just wanted to inform the members here that you really need to be careful with your phone because it may not be as secured as you perceive it is if something as simple as plugging it into a ubuntu computer can give access without even using the pin number.
> All I need is a minute with your phone a couple of minutes with your computer, a ubuntu cd or usb and I got your info. Basically no time at all.
> --- In, Rich <thekellergroup@...> wrote:
>> Interesting but the person needs to have access to your physical iPhone.
>> Now if this could be done remotely, it could be huge.
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