[apple-iphone] Re: Moving to Germany with iPhone questions

Friday, May 28, 2010 4:45 AM By Livemail


--- In apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com, baileyq <baileyq2000@...> wrote:
> I'm moving to Berlin in August and have been googling about using my iPhone there.  I am in Atlanta, Georgia area currently and with AT&T.  I haven't called them yet to find out about all this.  I'm a long-time customer, since Cingular, but I'm also only half-way through what is probably a 2-year contract from my upgrade to iPhone 3GS last summer.
> I've seen online that the only cell phone service in Germany is T-Mobile.  Would I have to get my iPhone unlocked?  Is that difficult to do oneself?  Could I just change sim cards? And what happens when I travel within Europe--do I have to change sims or anything as I visit France or anything?  My son will be attending university in Scotland and I'm wondering if I'll be able to just call him via iPhone or would I have to use Skype?  I have a Google Voice number which I use to call my daughter in Africa, and I guess I could use that also.
> Any info on this is appreciated--I've never lived overseas before and so this will be quite a change--in a positive way!
> Thanks,
> bailey
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Not good news I am afraid
AT&T lock all their iPhones and by all accounts will NOT under any circumstances unlock an iPhone
You could roam in Europe but that will cost a fortune.
The advice on the Apple iPhone forum ( given daily ) is to sell/ dispose of the AT&T US phone and buy in Europe but check Apple web site for those countries who sell unlocked phones which will give you flexibility
OR use iPhone as a wifi tool and purchase a cheap cell phone in Germany
Do not be tempted to hack it >Apple kills hacked iPhones with updates
Have a look at
and search for subject and you will find hundreds of posts from
users with similar issues and see if any of the solutions matches your requirements
Enjoy Europe

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