Re: [apple-iphone] MobileMe and syncing?
Thanks, that helped a lot.
What I am trying to do is have all my word and excel documents available
from anywhere and any computer. All I need is a browser to access them.
I copied all of them to the iDisk tab when connected to the MobileMe website.
They all uploaded fine and I can see them on the web and my iPad.
My question is really, if I change file XYZ from the "my documents folder" on
my computer, will that change also be sent to the iDisk XYZ file or do I have
to drag the changed file to the MM iDisk tab like before?
Also if I change the XYZ file on my iPad, will that change be made to the file
on my computer in the "my documents folder".
I am new at cloud stuff and don't want to end up with multiple versions of the
same file and get confused.
Sent from my iPad 3G.
On May 27, 2010, at 4:17 PM, Jay Abraham <> wrote:
> Rich,
> A couple of questions? When you are using the MobileMe in the
> preferences window you see four tabs: the relevant ones are sync and
> iDisk. Putting contacts, calendars and some files on iDisk is not
> the same as doing a sync to the Mobile Me.
> When you use the Sync tab, it syncs Bookmarks, Contacts, Calendar,
> Mail Accounts, Mail Rules and Keychain or selected ones if you don't
> want all. These synced items are available either on your iPhone if
> it is set to sync automatically with MobileMe and you can go to the
> website and access all of this in the respective applications.
> However this does not have anything to do with the iDisk. The iDisk
> should be considered like an online hard disk. You can put all of
> the above information you mentioned plus any files into the folders
> in iDisk. You can set up iDisk so it appears as a hard disk icon on
> your Mac and is available to transfer information to like any other
> hard disk. You can also set it up so that the iDisk can be accessed
> when you are not online. In this case you set iDisk syncing to On
> and it puts a copy of the iDisk on your computer's hard drive. It
> sounds like you set this to sync only manually. If you have limited
> bandwidth and only connect to the web at specific intervals, this is
> the way to work it. However change a file on your computer does not
> sync automatically to iDisk unless the file is only stored on iSync.
> In this case the local file stored on the local iDisk changes
> instantly but the iDisk stored in the cloud does not update until you
> do a sync between the local copy of the iDisk and cloud copy.
> However this is not the same as sync to Mobile Me which is other tab
> called Sync. In this case changes made to applications like Address
> Book, Mail, iCal and Safari Bookmarks can be synced automatically to
> mobile Me or done manually whenever you sync.
> Hope that answers your question
> Jay
> On May 27, 2010, at 8:20 AM, rkkeller8 wrote:
>> I have never had a MobileMe account but now have one.
>> I uploaded my contacts, calendars and some files on iDisk. When I
>> make changes to a file on my computer that is also on iDisk, does
>> the iDisk file change instantly or only when I do a sync or never?
>> I have the sync set on manual.
>> Thanks,
>> Rich
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