Re: [aurangabad_ca] Big4 Phobia

Sunday, February 28, 2010 4:06 AM By Livemail


I agree completely with Mr. Sivaraman that Big4 is no proof of being best in quality.

Still the answer is simple. A big organisation has more resources at it's command. A smaller outfit set-up, say by an ex-Big4, equally capable, or more, will, ordinarily have the handicap of men and resources. A team-effort  invariably would need extra efforts to surpass.

Here, there was constraint of timing. The analysis has to 'hit' by a particular time or else it becomes stale.

The advantage of combined effort of an organisation as compared to a smaller outfit, will remain.

The key issue : Race against time - who comes first.

Kind regards,

Rebecca Andrews

--- On Sat, 27/2/10, Visvanathan Sivaraman <> wrote:

From: Visvanathan Sivaraman <>
Subject: Re: [aurangabad_ca] Deloitte - Budget analysis
Date: Saturday, 27 February, 2010, 10:30 PM


Dear All,
why this big-4 phobia?
Big-5 is now big-4 and will soon become big-3.
Do we not have the analytical mind of our own to analyse and discuss?

On 2/28/10, Rebecca Andrews <rebecca.andrews88@> wrote:
[Attachment(s) from Rebecca Andrews included below]

Am grateful to a senior member for sharing this with me. Let us all students who can't afford but are keen to learn - share the analysis by a Big4.
Infringement of copyright ?
Knowledge is for sharing. Not selling.
Rebecca Andrews

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