Re: [apple-iphone] Restoring iPhone

Sunday, February 28, 2010 5:51 AM By Livemail


If your contacts, apps, tunes, and stuffs are on your PC, it should be synchronized as it was the last time you synced. But if by "I have not been able to back up my files for some time now" you meant the last time you synced was God knows when, then it is a good thing that you'll be going to Church before doing the dirty deed. LOL.

Anyway, if that's the case, and you need to backup, try this one:

Haven't tried it first hand but people say it works. It transfers the stuffs on yoir iPhone to the PC or Mac.

On Feb 28, 2010, at 21:09, Louise <> wrote:

OK, I give up. Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with my iPhone.

You might remember I said that my iPhone takes a long time to sync, back up
actually so I can install the latest software. Actually, I never have let
it go to the end but have given up. Well, last night I kept it going all
night and after 10 hours, it was only half through backing up my files, much
less installing the new software. So, I have come to the conclusion that I
need to RESTORE my phone, just like I have to do to my computers every so

I read the "instruction" manual online about doing so but it is as clear as
mud to me. I don't have enough general knowledge about the process to
understand it. So if someone could help me out, I will do the dirty deed
after church today.

What will I lose? Will my contacts be gone? How do I get everything back
on my phone? I have not been able to back up my files for some time now and
have installed a lot of new stuff, some purchased and some free. I hate to
be a bother but could someone send me directions on all this or maybe some
GOOD online directions? Off group would be OK if you prefer:

I really hate to do this but it is annoying me big time that I can't do what
I want to do and like with my computers, it is time to clean out the junk
and start over.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

Have a blessed Sunday,

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