[apple-iphone] Restoring iPhone
OK, I give up. Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with my iPhone.
You might remember I said that my iPhone takes a long time to sync, back up
actually so I can install the latest software. Actually, I never have let
it go to the end but have given up. Well, last night I kept it going all
night and after 10 hours, it was only half through backing up my files, much
less installing the new software. So, I have come to the conclusion that I
need to RESTORE my phone, just like I have to do to my computers every so
I read the "instruction" manual online about doing so but it is as clear as
mud to me. I don't have enough general knowledge about the process to
understand it. So if someone could help me out, I will do the dirty deed
after church today.
What will I lose? Will my contacts be gone? How do I get everything back
on my phone? I have not been able to back up my files for some time now and
have installed a lot of new stuff, some purchased and some free. I hate to
be a bother but could someone send me directions on all this or maybe some
GOOD online directions? Off group would be OK if you prefer:
I really hate to do this but it is annoying me big time that I can't do what
I want to do and like with my computers, it is time to clean out the junk
and start over.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
Have a blessed Sunday,
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