Re: [aurangabad_ca] Wholeheartedly Welcome & Support Electronic Filing of Returns/Registration or Amendment
Thanks RebeccaWhile I fully agree with you about welcoming new initiative (e filing of documents), I just want to add that we should hope and pray that the Service Tax protal works as well as that of Ministry of Corporate Affairs portal.I have seen that this is one of the best managed websites and has made filing a real pleasant experience. My experience howeverof filing Trade Marks application online is not satisfactory and I feel lot of improvement is required there. Lets all hope that ST Dept follows MCA footsteps.Regards,BIPIN RAJE98191 16841
From: Rebecca Andrews < >
Subject: [aurangabad_ca] Wholeheartedly Welcome & Support Electronic Filing of Returns/Registratio n or Amendment [1 Attachment]
Date: Sunday, March 28, 2010, 9:59 PM
Circular No. 919/09/2010- CX, dated 23-3-2010 issued by CBEC needs to be supported by all : assessees, CAs & Consultants. It not only provides for electronic filing of returns but also new registration or amendment of old registration, and so many other features for Central Excise & Service Tax.
These columns have been full of complaints about highhanded behaviour of ST staff at the time of acceptance of ST-3. These were refused on frivolous pretexts, which vanished quickly when picture of the father of nation was shown.
Visiting their office to seek fresh registration was a nightmare.
Now all this will soon change. Yes, there will be technical glitches. Problem in uploading, server down, and repeated rejection that will make you pull your hair in frustration.
But choose : frustration against computer or humiliation at the hands of the staff.
Less interface - the better. Please make computer or Postman your medium with the Department.
ST Bangalore site has been candid and carried complaints against their staff. Ahmedabad staff was automatically putting a rubber-stamp "Produce Ledger & Records"on all St-3s while acknowledging.
NOIDA near Delhi has been reported to be among the worst in turning assessees away.
Some would refuse to accept unless placed in a file cover ! Most officers would conduct a scrutiny of the return on the spot. Settlement Commission at work at entry level itself.
This is not meant to issue a certificate but one must fairly admit that Delhi Service Commissionerate has changed somewhat, and for the better during October, 2009, giving speedier acknowledgement of ST-3s. Message from Top perhaps.
I rarely compliment bureaucra
cy. For a change I am willing to be accused of being "influenced" . But let us all thank the CBEC for this +ve step that was long overdue. Text of circular is attached.
Kind regards,
Rebecca Andrews
Agarwal Sanjiv & Company,
Chartered Accountants,
503, Gurukripa Tower, C-43, Mahaveer Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001
Phone: 0141-2368071, Fax 0141-2369250
visit us
Also visit us on www.llpinindia.
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