[apple-iphone] AT&T Working With Apple To Improve Network, Is Now Ready for Battle

Wednesday, March 31, 2010 12:02 PM By Livemail


Sent to you by Bill B via Google Reader: AT&T Working With Apple To
Improve Network, Is Now Ready for Battle via iPhone Alley - RSS by
Darren Beckett on 3/31/10

Based on a report by the Wall Street Journal [subscription required]
today, AT&T is working hard to beef up their network to handle the
continued load from the iPhone, including enlisting help from Apple.
Aside from the mission to assure Steve Jobs they were working on the
problem, AT&T met with Apple designers to discuss wireless networking.
As a result, Apple was able to change how the iPhone communicates with
AT&T's network, lessening the load for basic tasks such as locating the
closest tower or checking for new messages.

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