Re: [aurangabad_ca] verification of vat return
Hi , We had a similar experience with one of our client during Refund Audit. He had to pay the amount of input credit claimed in cash again. plus 25% penalty u/s 30(4) , while filing revised return. The Department can do that , though you may insist that disallowance order be passed. There is a clear provision in MVAT Act which says that - if VAT has not been paid to Government treasury by the selling dealer , Setoff / Refund of the same is not allowed to purchasing dealer. Hence , Dept. can disallow the input credit. The best solution , is to ask the selling dealer to provide a copy of MVAT return filed for the period , if the input credit is material / significant or if there are regular dealings between the parties. If the party does not provide copy of MVAT Return filed , hold back their payment. This method may not apply every where , but where ever possible apply this method. Atleast , we have asked our clients to follow this practice. Thanks & Regards , The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure --- On Sat, 27/3/10, sid patni <patnisidharth@
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