Report on the Quality of Data and Matching of TDS / TCS Claims in your E-Return -

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 5:56 PM By Livemail

Dear Taxpayer,

Subject: Report on the Quality of Data and Matching of TDS / TCS Claims in your E-Return - Reg

1.       Income Tax Department congratulates you for filing your Income Tax return electronically. As a pro-active measure, a Data Quality and Matching Report for TDS and TCS claims in I-T Return is being sent as an attachment to this email.

2.       The objective of issuing the Data Quality and Matching Report for TDS and TCS claims in I-T Return is:

a.       To enable you to ascertain the extent of matching of your TDS / TCS claims in the Income Tax Return filed by you with the TDS / TCS reported by the tax Deductors /Collectors. In case the matching is 100%, you may be assured of accurate credit and quicker processing of the I-T Return.

b.       To enable you to take up the matter pertaining to any deficiencies or mismatches in the TDS / TCS reported with your Deductor / Collector so that the corrective action can be taken by them by filing an updated E-TDS return with NSDL with your correct PAN or TDS amount.

c.        To enable you to identify claims made by you using invalid TAN. In all cases where TAN is invalid the "Name of the Deductor" is mentioned as "INVALID TAN" and in all such cases no match is possible. The TAN in these cases would have to rectified by you by filing a revised Return of Income with correct TAN.

3.       The TDS / TCS credit information available are based on the valid PAN details submitted by the Deductors up to the date mentioned in the Data Quality and Matching Report for TDS and TCS claims in I-T Return. Please note that all TDS /TCS from the same Deductor / Collector is added and consolidated as a single entry, both on the claims side as well as on the data reported to Department side.

4.       To open the statement, please enter the PAN and date of birth in case of individualtax payers and the date of incorporation for non-individual tax payers as password in theformat of AAAAA1234ADDMMYYYY in lowercase. The date of birth / incorporation should be same as furnished to the Department and available in the Income Tax Department PAN master (as printed on the PAN card).

For example, if your PAN is AZZPZ2398K and date of birth / incorporation is January 21, 1985 then the password will be azzpz2398k21011985

5.       The Data Quality and Matching Report is in the attached ZIP file with your PAN as the file name. To open the file all you need is any Unzip software and MS Excel or Open Office Excel compatible software.

6.       Please note that this email does not convey any confirmation of acceptance or rejection of any TDS or TCS claim and neither does this indicate that processing has been completed or will be completed in any manner.The Report merely conveys a factual position of the extent of match between your claims and data reported to the Department as on the date specified.The details given herein may be altered upon receipt of updated E-TDS / TCS returns filed by Deductors / Collectors subsequent to the specified date.

7.       This is a special service for the benefit of taxpayers who have chosen to file their I-T returns electronically and is being sent to you at the email address mentioned by you in the Income Tax Return.


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