[apple-iphone] Digest Number 2365
Messages In This Digest (7 Messages)
- 1a.
- Re: Audiobooks? I am missing something From: whozethere
- 2a.
- Re: Happy Birthday Jenny From: Bill Sardone
- 2b.
- Re: Happy Birthday Jenny From: Wyldceltic1
- 3a.
- Re: IPod Touch From: afarbourn
- 4.
- Mophie juice pack in belt case From: Tracey Carsto
- 5.1.
- Re: NTFS support for USB storage From: N.A. Nada
- 6.1.
- Re: Airport router vs Cisco Valet From: N.A. Nada
- 1a.
Re: Audiobooks? I am missing something
Posted by: "whozethere" whozethere@gmail.com whozethere
Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:19 am (PST)
I was sitting on the genre. Thanks. Books are where they need to be.
--- In apple-iphone@yahoogroups. , Ione <amazondoc@.com ..> wrote:
> > Posted by: "whozethere" whozethere@... whozethere
> > Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:59 am (PST)
> > I have set the media kind to audiobook in iTunes with my ripped audiobooks. It is still seen as music. I have made each book it's own playlist. I have even added the book cover.
> > Vickie
> > iPhone 4
> Be sure you're not just setting the GENRE to "audiobook". That is an entirely different setting, and it won't get your audio files moved over to the book area. You have to set the MEDIA KIND to "audiobook".
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 2a.
Re: Happy Birthday Jenny
Posted by: "Bill Sardone" wsardone@att.net wsardone
Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:20 am (PST)
Buying things for yourself? Is there an app for that?
Happy b day
Sent from my AT&T wireless device!
On Jan 17, 2011, at 9:57 PM, Wyldceltic1 <wyldceltic1@me.com > wrote:
> It was a good day, at work, where I call it "Fun".
> Saturday I went to the Irvine Spectrum and bought a few things for myself. YAY!
> On Jan 16, 2011, at 5:13 AM, Bill Boulware wrote:
>> Happy Birthday to our own Apple Store Employee List Member Jenny aka
>> wyldceltic!
>> Have a great day!
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
- 2b.
Re: Happy Birthday Jenny
Posted by: "Wyldceltic1" wyldceltic1@me.com wyldceltic1
Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:15 am (PST)
I think there's a calling for that... I like B&M Shopping, but it would have been nice. (And too easy) to go to my iPhone and say "Size __ Colour__ Style__ " Etc.
Now if the button to finish says "Total charge: $00.00, THAT would be great!
On Jan 18, 2011, at 4:02 AM, Bill Sardone wrote:
> Buying things for yourself? Is there an app for that?
> Happy b day
> Bill
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 3a.
Re: IPod Touch
Posted by: "afarbourn" afarbourn@yahoo.com afarbourn
Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:16 am (PST)
While it is true that the older iPod Touches did not come equipped with a microphone on the device, the more recent generations support the microphone on the Apple's iPhone earbuds. Therefore, even if you have a Touch that's a couple of years old, so long as you have the proper earphones, you can still used Skype when you're connected to wi-fi.
--- In apple-iphone@yahoogroups. , Prokic Roger <rprokic@...com > wrote:
> Yes you can use Skype on a iPod touch as a phone. Note that only the new 5th gen iPods have a built in mic. The previous versions do not.
> ---
> Roger Prokic
> -=[ this message was sent from my Apple iPhone 4 ]=-
> On Jan 17, 2011, at 11:19 AM, iphone3g1907 <iphone3g1907@...> wrote:
> > Dear Group:
> >
> > Can iPod touch be used as a phone in theory? Using Skype or similar services with using Wifi?
> > Thank you
- 4.
Mophie juice pack in belt case
Posted by: "Tracey Carsto" tcarsto@comcast.net tcarsto
Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:10 am (PST)
My brother has an iPhone3 and has requested a Mophie Juice pack and a belt
case that will hold his iPhone in the Mophie Juice pack for his birthday
next week. Does anybody know which belt cases will be big enough?
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
- 5.1.
Re: NTFS support for USB storage
Posted by: "N.A. Nada" whodo678@comcast.net
Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:10 am (PST)
The set up is
Cable <--> Linksys "cable modem" < Ethernet> Airport Extreme <USB> Drobo
Where I think there may be two NAT working is the Linksys and the AE, not the Drobo. So I was thinking the Linksys and AE were the two NATs. The Linksys is not WiFi, and the AE is not cable-ready, so I need the AE. Nowhere did I think the Drobo was NAT capable.
The Drobo on USB used to be a tiny bit slow on USB2, until I turned on Back to my Mac, and now I can almost go out and shot the cow to make a roast beef sandwich before it responds.
The Drobo is capable of either Ethernet OR USB2, but not both at the same time. The BTMM instructions I read said that to access a external drive, it would have to be connected by USB to the AE. So I assume this is a BTMM limitation.
I have changed the Airport Utility settings to make File Sharing WAN accessible, password protected and guests blocked. So now I need to figure out how to disable the NAT in the Linksys and I should be done. All I want or need from the Linksys is a dumb cable bridge. Let the AE do all the heavy lifting and card tricks.
On Jan 17, 2011, at 4:05 PM, Jeffrey Kaplan wrote:
> On 1/16/2011 4:13 PM, N.A. Nada wrote:
>> I have the early Drobo, which can share by means of Ethernet on a LAN,
>> but it needs another piece of hardware. It also can communicate by
>> USB2. Back to my Mac says that to share an external HD it has to
>> connect to the Airport Extreme by USB. That is how I connected it. I
>> originally thought that this Drobo could not perform NAT, but
>> apparently it does.
> The Drobo is a storage device, right? If yes, then it does not
> provide NAT. Your router provides NAT. (NAT = Network Address
> Translation - stuff on your side of the router is a private network,
> allegedly non-routable from outside).
> If a storage device does or can connect via ethernet directly, then
> it's a NAS by definition (NAS = Network Accessible Storage) and can
> normally plug into an available ethernet port on the router. The
> router does not need to know what it is, only that there is a network
> device there.
> Network storage via USB is abysmally slow. Personally, I gave up on
> it. I've tried it with the Airport Extreme and my current router from
> Netgear. At this time, I cannot afford a true NAS box, but it's got
> to be faster.
> The context of the instructions on the Airport to only use USB for
> this is probably because it doesn't have a Firewire port, so you
> cannot use a Firewire drive. But then again, it is from Apple and
> Steve does like to micromanage what his customers can and cannot do
> with stuff he sells (why can I sync an iPod Classic to both of my
> computers, but not my iPod Touch?).
>> I was uncertain if the Linksys does NAT. I have not looked it up yet.
> If the Linksys is even remotely current, it does. NAT is a very basic
> function of modern consumer grade routers.
>> I was having the problem when trying to reach the Drobo from outside
>> my LAN. I was trying to remotely access the Drobo from a watering
>> hole. I kept trying to reach it when I got a brief flash of a warning
>> about 2 NATs.
> That would be the Airport and the Linksys. If you intentionally need
> or want both routers in the mix, move the Drobo from the Airport to
> the Linksys. If you do not actually need both routers, reconfigure
> your LAN without one of them.
> --
> Jeffrey Kaplan www.gordol.org
> Double ROT13 encoded for your protection
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
- 6.1.
Re: Airport router vs Cisco Valet
Posted by: "N.A. Nada" whodo678@comcast.net
Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:14 am (PST)
I don't think I have ever set up Bonjour, I no longer find it in the System Prefs, and it is not in Airport Utility. I haven't found a single case where I have used Bonjour. On the Mac side it is supposed to be "zero-configuation networking". I don't use Window except on rare occasion in Boot Camp, so I can not speak to that. To be honest, I thought it was dropped like Widgets and Dashboard, just dying a lingering death.
When I got my iPhone, I signed on in WiFi to my LAN, not BlueTooth, so Bonjour was not an issue.
My Airport set up is just slightly more complex than default vanilla. I have even turned off the MAC Address Access Control, after, I think it was you, who, explained why it was nearly useless. There is no mention of Bonjour anywhere in Airport Utility.
On Jan 17, 2011, at 4:15 PM, Jeffrey Kaplan wrote:
> On 1/16/2011 3:58 PM, N.A. Nada wrote:
>> As for bang for my buck, no, you are getting better value, but you
>> know what you are doing, but many of us need the easier route.
>> Just remember, for most of us, wireless router set up is an moderately
>> advanced task. That is why we turn to you, the expert for help,
> I am far from being an actual expert in it, I do not support routers,
> wired or wireless, for a living or anything. What I am is a
> technically minded computer geek, and I do work in IT. My only
> practical experience with routers is my own, and some family and friends.
> I actually found the Airport Extreme to be harder to setup and
> maintain. The only time I've had to call Linksys for support on my
> old Linksys routers was when one of them actually broke, when I was
> trying to do something truly advanced, or when it wouldn't let my
> iPhone connect. I have not (yet?) had to contact Netgear support.
> The Airport, otoh, I had to call Apple several times because the setup
> was just plain obtuse. In trying to something only slightly more than
> a basic config, I even managed to stump the tech at Apple!
> The problem I have with the Airport setup is that it uses a
> proprietary client-side configuration program rather than a web based
> setup like everyone else. Apple's Airport Manager has too many menus,
> toolbars and tabs, AND you need to be running their Bonjour Service
> (Windows) to even use the software. (If you're using an iOS device,
> you pretty much have to be running that service anyway...) The same
> setting I was looking for is easy to find on the old Linksys and my
> new Netgear.
> --
> Jeffrey Kaplan www.gordol.org
> Double ROT13 encoded for your protection
> --------------------- --------- ------
> Yahoo! Groups Links
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